Table 6. Effect of soil burial depth on seedling emergence traits of C. album.
Burial depth (BD) (cm) | Mean germination time (MGT) (days) | Germination index (GI) | |
0 | 9.11d (0.45) | 4.45a (0.15) | |
0.1 | 10.79cd (0.24) | 2.77b (0.24) | |
0.2 | 12.53bc (0.96) | 1.50c (0.12) | |
0.3 | 14.44b (1.06) | 0.93d (0.09) | |
0.4 | 11.20cd (1.17) | 0.54e (0.03) | |
0.5 | 9.46d (0.39) | 0.35ef (0.03) | |
1 | 11.50cd (0.50) | 0.13f (0.02) | |
2 | 18.33a (0.33) | 0.05f (0.00) | |
Source | D.F. | MGT | GI |
BD | 7 | 0.007** | 0.006** |
Note: All values are showed as mean (S.E.) (n = 8). Within a column for MGT and GI of each temperature, values followed by different letters are significantly different by least significant differences of Duncan’s new multiple range test.
** means P < 0.01.