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. 2022 Oct 17;17(10):e0276176. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0276176

Table 7. Effect of oat mulch doses on seedling emergence traits of C. album.

Mulch (kg ha-1) Mean germination time (MGT) (days) Germination index (GI)
0 9.11b (0.45) 4.45a (0.15)
2000 9.69ab (0.47) 2.67b (0.23)
3000 10.18ab (0.50) 1.93c (0.12)
4000 10.66ab (0.19) 1.12d (0.06)
5000 10.71ab (0.44) 0.79d (0.10)
6000 11.27a (0.62) 0.63d (0.04)
7000 10.88ab (0.43) 0.12e (0.03)
Source D.F. MGT GI
Mulch 6 0.044* <0.001***

Note: All values are showed as mean (S.E.) (n = 8). Within a column for MGT and GI of each temperature, values followed by different letters are significantly different by least significant differences of Duncan’s new multiple range test.

* and *** mean P < 0.05 and P < 0.001, respectively.