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. 2022 Aug 11;103(1):433–513. doi: 10.1152/physrev.00063.2021

Table 3.

Selected animal models of DEEs

Models Species Induction Method Spasms, Age of Onset Subsequent Epilepsy Behavioral/Neurodevelopmental Deficits Response to ACTH/Vigabatrin Model of: References
Models of ES
 NMDA Rat, mouse C57 NMDA ip, PN7–18 PN7–18 NR Rat: Learning and coordination deficits High-dose ACTH1-39; vigabatrin Spasms (169, 172, 177181)
3–7 days after NMDA (mouse): Increased anxiety, impaired motor coordination and poor memory retention
NMDA variants
 Prenatal betamethasone/postnatal NMDA Rat Betamethasone ip G15; NMDA ip, PN12–15 PN12-15 NR NR after spasm induction Low-dose ACTH1-39; Vigabatrin Spasms, ACTH sensitivity (170, 182184)
 Prenatal stress/postnatal NMDA Rat Forced restraint (FR) (G15) or forced swim test (FST) (G1–parturition); NMDA ip, PN15 PN15 NR NR after spasm induction FST/NMDA: Responds to ACTH1-39 Spasms, stress (169, 171)
FR/NMDA: Responds to repeated low dose ACTH1-39
 Prenatal MAM/postnatal NMDA Rat MAM (2 doses, G15); NMDA ip, PN12–15 (1 or 3 doses) PN12–15 NR NR after spasm induction No effect of low-dose ACTH Spasms, dysplasias (185)
Responds to vigabatrin
 Adrenalectomy/postnatal NMDA Rat Adrenalectomy (PN10); NMDA ip (PN11) PN11 NR NR after spasm induction High-dose ACTH1-39 Spasms (172)
Tsc1gfap −/+ mouse, postnatal NMDA Mouse, Tsc1flox/flox-GFAP-Cre knockout C57BL/6 and SV129 As in Tsc1gfap−/+ NR after spasm induction NR Spasms, induced on a genetic background (186)
 Down syndrome/GBL Mouse (Ts65Dn), C57BL/6JEiXC3H/HesnJ γ-Butyrolactone (GBL) ip 1 wk to 2 mo NR NR after spasm induction Responds to ACTH1-24 but not to ACTH1-39 Spasms, induced on a genetic background (187189)
Responds to vigabatrin
 Tetrodotoxin (TTX) Rat Intrahippocampal or intracortical TTX, unilateral (PN10–38) ≥PN21 Yes NR Sensitive to ACTH, vigabatrin ISS structural, hypsarrhythmia; drug-sensitive (87, 190193)
 Multiple hit Rat PN3: Right intracortical LPS, right intraventricular doxorubicin PN4–13 Yes Sociability deficits, learning/memory deficits, stereotypies Resistant to ACTH; partial/transient response to vigabatrin ISS structural, drug resistant (88, 157163)
PN5: PCPA ip
Arx cKO Mouse, CD1 and C57BL/6 Arx deletion from ganglionic eminence neuronal progenitors Adulthood Yes NR NR ISS, genetic (164)
Arx KI [Arx (GCG)10+7] Mouse, 75% C57BL/6; 25% 129S5/SvEvBrd Expansion of 1st polyalalanine tract repeat (PA1) of Arx PN7–11 Yes Low anxiety, impaired learning and sociability NR ISS, genetic (152, 165, 194)
Arx with PA1 or PA2 expansion Mouse, C57BL/6N-Hsd PA1 or PA2 expansion of Arx ≥PN10 to adulthood (myoclonic seizures) NR 1–2 mo: Sociability, neuromuscular strength deficits, anxiety and fear NR ISS, genetic (195)
 Adenomatous polyposis (Apc) Mouse Apc gene knockout from excitatory CamKII neurons Peak at PN9 Yes Reduced social interest, increased repetitive behaviors NR ISS, genetic (196)
Tsc1+/− Mouse, C57BL/6 Heterozygous Tsc1−/+ PN12–16; observed for 1 day/pup NR NR NR ISS, genetic (197)
 Aged CDKL5, heterozygous females Mouse, C57BL/6J Cdkl5R59X/+ or Cdkl5KO/+ >PN300 female No (only spasms seen) NR in females NR ISS, genetic (198)
Sociability deficits in males
 Chronic early-life stress Rat Unpredictable and fragmented nurturing behaviors in dams (PN2–9 period) PN17–35; last for 1 or several days NR NR NR ISS, unknown (173)
Models of Lennox–Gastaut syndrome, atypical absence seizures
AY9944 Rat AY9944 7.5 mg/kg sc (PN2, 8, 14, PN20) NR Slow SWD Cognitive deficits, hyperactivity, anxiety, spatial learning, olfactory recognition deficits Responsive to DZP, ETH, CGP35348; Worse with CZP, baclofen, γ-OH-butyrate Chronic atypical absence seizures (199205)
MAM-AY9944 Rat Prenatal MAM/postnatal AY9944 NR Slow SWD NR Refractory to ETH, VPA, CGP35348, CBZ Refractory atypical absence seizures (206)
PValb-Dnm1Ftfl/flox Mouse, C57BL/6J Dnm1Ftfl/flox in PV cells NR PN19–50: SWD, lethal seizures Tremor NR LGS (207)
GABABR1a Mouse, C57BL/6 GABABR1a overexpression in forebrain NR Slow SWD Impairment in learning, spatial memory Responsive to ETH, CGP35348 Chronic atypical absence seizures (208)
GABABR1b Mouse GABABR1b overexpression in forebrain NR Slow SWD Mild impairment in learning, spatial memory Responsive to ETH, CGP35348 Chronic atypical absence seizures (209)
NHE1 Mouse, SJL/J and C57BL/6J Na+/H+ exchanger null NR Slow SWD (3 Hz) (at 4–5 wk); lethal tonic or tonic-clonic seizures Ataxia;early mortality NR Chronic atypical absence seizures (210)
Multiple hit Rat PN3: Right intracortical LPS, right intraventricular doxorubicin PN5: PCPA ip PN4–13 Adulthood: slow SWD (5–6 Hz), motor seizures in sleep Sociability deficits, learning/memory deficits, stereotypies NR ISS with LGS features (157)
Models of Dravet syndrome
Scn1a KO Mouse Exon 26 deletion, global constitutive Convulsive seizures, hyperthermia seizures, mortality Hyperactivity, stereotypies, sociability, and spatial memory deficits Tested Dravet (64)
Scn1a CKO Mouse, C57BL/6 and 129Sv Exon 25 deletion, forebrain GABAergic interneurons Motor seizures, hyperthermia seizures NR Dravet (211)
Scn1a CKO Mouse, B6.SJL-Tg(ACTFLPe)9205Dym/J and C57BL/6 Conditional deletion of exon 7 Inhibitory neurons ≥PN16 seizures, occasional death Hypoactive, jerks, death Dravet (212)
Forebrain excitatory neurons No NR (212)
Forebrain excitatory neurons and haploinsufficiency in inhibitory neurons Improved lethality from seizures NR Dravet (212)
PV interneurons ≥PN14 seizures, death Ataxia (PN10) Dravet (212)
Scn1a KI, R1407X Mouse, 129/SvJ and C57BL/6J Human R1407X nonsense mutation ≥1 mo: Seizures Hyperactivity, stereotypies, sociability and spatial memory deficits Dravet (65, 213, 214)
Scn1a KI, S1231R Drosophila S1231R mutation, loss of function Seizures NR Dravet (215)
Scn1Lab (didys552) Zebrafish Scn1Lab mutation (low expression) Increased locomotor activity, epileptiform activity, seizures Impaired exploration, decreased mobility Tested Dravet (216)
Scn1Lab−/− Zebrafish Scn1Lab null Increased locomotor activity and epileptiform activity NR Tested Dravet (217)
Scn1a-A1783V/WT KI Mouse, C57BL/6J Scn1a-A1783V/WT KI Hyperthermia seizures NR Tested Dravet (218)
Scn1a R1648H KI (after induction of short seizures) Mouse Knock-in R1658H missense mutation, global constitutive Convulsive seizures, hyperthermia seizures, mortality Hyperactivity, stereotypies, sociability, and spatial memory deficits Dravet and GEFS+ (219)
Other etiology-specific models of DEE
Kcnq2 KI Mouse, C57BL/6J Kcnq2-Y284C/+, Kcnq2-A306T/+ NR NR Retigabine reduces KA-seizures KCNQ2 DEE (220)
Kcnq2-Thr274Met/+ Mouse, 129Sv, C57BL/6N Kcnq2-Thr274Met/+ Yes (>PN20) Spatial learning and memory deficits NR KCNQ2 DEE (221)
Death by 3rd mo (25%)
Kcna1−/− Mouse Kcna1−/− Yes NR Retigabine reduces spontaneous seizures KCNA1 epilepsy (222)
Kcnq1-A340E/A340E Mouse Kcnq1-A340E/A340E Rare spontaneous seizures NR Retigabine: adverse cardiac effects KCNQ1 epilepsy (222)
Pcdh19 KO and heterozygous females Mouse, 129S5.C57BL/6 Pcdh19 KO and heterozygous females NR; increased susceptibility to 6 Hz and flurothyl seizures NR PCDH19 DEE (223)
Pcdh19-HET Mouse, C57BL/6N Pcdh19-HET Mossy fiber deficits NR Pattern completion and separation deficits NR PCDH19 DEE (224)
Pcdh19 KO Mouse, C57BL/6N Pcdh19 KO NR Increased exploratory behavior, reduced anxiety NR PCDH19 DEE (223)
Cdkl5 CKO Mouse, CD1 Cdkl5 CKO in glutamatergic or GABAergic neurons Defective dendritic arborization and spine maturation Yes when deleted in glutamatergic neurons. Autistic symptomatology, motor coordination, memory and breathing abnormalities Epigallatocathechin-3-gallate (EGCG) corrects synaptic deficits CDKL5 DEE (225, 226)

ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; apc, adenomatous polyposis colon; arx, aristaless X-linked homeobox protein; AY9944, trans-1,4-bis-cyclohexane dihydrochloride, cholesterol biosynthesis inhibitor; CDKL5, cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5; CGP35348, GABAB receptor inhibitor; DEE, developmental and epileptic encephalopathy; ES, epileptic spasms; CKO, conditional knockout; CZP, clonazepam; Dnm1, dynamin 1; DZP, diazepam; EGCG, epigallatocathechin-3-gallate; ETH, ethosuximide; GBL, gamma butyrolactone; FR, forced restraint; FST, forced swim test; G, gestational day; GABABR: GABAB receptor; gfap, glial acidic fibrillary protein; HET, heterozygous; ISS, infantile spasms syndrome; Kcna1, potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily a member 1; KCNQ, potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily Q; KI, knockin; KO, knockout; LGS, Lennox–Gastaut syndrome; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; MAM, methyl-azoxy-methanol acetate; NHE1, Na+/H+ exchanger; NMDA, N-methyl-d-aspartate; NR, not reported; PA, polyalanine; PCPA, p-chlorophenylalanine (inhibits serotonin synthesis); PN, postnatal; PV or Pvalb, parvalbumin; Scn1a, sodium channel 1alpha; SWD, spike and slow-wave discharge; tsc, tuberous sclerosis complex; TTX, tetrodotoxin; VPA, valproic acid.

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