Figure 4.
Direct contrast of left and right foot movements isolates three spatially discontinuous representations of the body part. Contrast maps of right (red) versus left (blue) foot movements are projected onto flatmaps. Each panel displays a separate participant (S1–S4). In each participant, the foot representation is detected in the anterior lobe and also the posterior lobe near to where the beginning of the secondary map is localized (laterally in lobule HVIIIb). Within the vermis, there is a distinct representation of the foot in each participant that is particularly clear in S2 and S3. This spatially discontinuous representation is evidence for a third somatomotor map. The white circles display the positions of seed regions that were used for analyses displayed in Fig. 6 (see text). Dotted lines indicate approximate lobule boundaries with lobules labeled for S1. A, anterior; L, left; P, posterior; R, right. Color bars indicate β values.