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. 2022 Sep 8;13:100138. doi: 10.1016/j.jpi.2022.100138

Table 1.

Summary of the studies in all aspects analyzed in this review.

Author Year Sample Number of classes Diagnosisa Dataseta Training setb Test set External test set Pre-processinga Model (Patch level)a Model (Slide level)a Transfer learning Training approach Resultsa Results of the external test seta
Lucas et al.33 2019 Prostate 4 Cancer Private 268 000 patches 89 000 patches Data Augmentation InceptionV3 + SVM Percentages of GPs used for final Gleason grade No Supervised Kappa: 0.70 -
Pantanowitz et al.40 2020 Prostate 18 Cancer Private 549 WSIs 2501 WSIs 1627 WSIs Tissue segmentation and data augmentation InceptionV1, InceptionV3 and ResNet101 Maximum score Yes Supervised AUC: 0.997g AUC: 0.991, 0.941, 0.971, and 0.957h
Ström et al.49 2020 Prostate 2 and 4a Cancer Private 1069 WSIs 246 WSIs 73 WSIs Tissue segmentation and data augmentation 30 InceptionV3 models Boosted tree Yes Supervised Kappa: 0.83 Kappa: 0.70
BenTaieb et al.6 2017 Ovary 5 Cancer Public 68 WSIs 65 WSIs K-means LSVM Yes Weakly Supervised Kappa: 0.89
Barker et al.4 2016 Central nervous system 2 Cancer Public 302 WSIs 45 WSIs 302 WSIs Tissue segmentation, color deconvolution and nuclei segmentation Feature Extraction + Elastic Net (Regression) No Weakly supervised Accuracy: 1.0 Accuracy: 0.93
Xu et al.60 2017 Central nervous system 2 Cancer Public 55 WSIs 40 WSIs - Tissue segmentation, resize and data augmentation Customized AlexNet Feature Pooling + SVM Yes Supervised Accuracy: 0.975
Bulten et al.7 2020 Prostate 7 Cancer Private 933 WSIS 210 WSIs Tissue segmentation and data augmentation Own CNN to detect tumor and U-Net to final label Normalized percentage of the volume of each class No Supervised (with a semi-automatic annotation) Kappa: 0.819 on Gleason score
Gecer et al.17 2018 Breast 5 Cancer Private 180 WSIs 60 WSIs Color Normalization RoI detector and an own proposed CNN Majority voting No Weakly supervised Accuracy: 0.55
Silva-Rodríguez et al.46 2020 Prostate 4 and 1a Cancer Public 155 WSIs 2122 patches - Tissue segmentation and data augmentation Own CNN MLP No and yesa Supervised Kappa: 0.732
Tokunaga et al.53 2019 Gastric 4 Cancer 29 WSIs Data augmentation AWMF-CNN Aggregating CNN No Supervised IoU (Mean): 0.536
Sali et al.43 2019 Small intestine 4 Celiac disease Private 336 WSIs 120 WSIs - Tissue segmentation, color normalization, resize and data augmentation Customized Resnet50 Sum of all labels and majority No Weakly Supervised Accuracy: 1.0 -
Xu et al.61 2020 Prostate 3 Cancer Public 312 WSIs 49,883 patches Grayscale and tissue segmentation Feature extractor PCA and SVM No Weakly Supervised Accuracy: 0.771
Mercan et al.34 2018 Breast 14 Cancer Private 240 WSIs 60 WSIs Feature extractor + Linear classifier PCA and SVM No Weakly supervised Average precision: 0.737
Adnan et al.1 2020 Lung 2 Cancer Public 1026 WSIs RoI selection Feature extractor GCN No and yesa Weakly supervised 0.89 AUCf
van Zon et al.56 2020 Skin 3 Cancer Private 232 WSIs 331 WSIs - Tissue segmentation and data augmentation U-Net Own CNN No Supervised 0.954 Accuracyd
Wang et al.57 2019 Lung 4 Cancer Private 754 WSIs 185 WSIs - Tissue segmentation, resize and data augmentation ScanNet Aggregation of patch preditcions values + Random foresta No Weakly supervised Accuracy: 0.973
Syrykh et al.51 2020 Lymph node 2 Cancer Private 75% of 378 WSIs 25% of 378 WSIs 48 Cases Tissue segmentation CNNa Average of patch inferences Weakly supervised AUC: 0.99 AUC: 0.69
Wei et al.58 2019 Small intestine 3 Celiac disease Private 1,018 WSIs 212 WSIs - Data augmentation and color normalization ResNet50 Threshold to discard low confidence + Most frequent predicted class Yes Average F1 score: 0.872
Korbar et al.28 2017 Small intestine 6 Colorectal polyps Private 458 WSIs 239 WSIs - Data augmentation, color normalization and resize ResNet-D At least 5 positive class patches with 70% of confidence No Supervised Overall F1 score: 0.888
Nagpal et al.37 2019 Prostate 4 Cancer Public and private 1,226 WSIs 331 WSIs - Data augmentation Customized inception V3 K-nearest neighbor model from patch prediction No Supervised Gleason Score Accuracy: 0.70
Olsen et al.39 2018 Skin 3 models with 2 classes Cancer Private Study 1: 300 WSIs Study 1: 126 WSIs Tissue segmentation Derivative VGG + Rule-based discriminator Classification model trained with the segmented areasa No Supervised Study 1 Accuracy: 0.9945
Study 2: 225 WSIs Study 2: 114 WSIs Study 2 Accuracy: 0.994
Study 3: 225 WSIs Study 3: 123 WSIs Study 3 Accuracy: 1.0
Wei et al.59 2019 Lung 6 Cancer Private RoIs from 279 WSIs 143 WSIs Tissue segmentation, data augmentation and color normalization ResNet18 Threshold to discard low confidence + Most frequent predicted class Yes Supervised Kappa Score: 0.525 -
Ianni et al.20 2020 Skin 4 Cancer Private 85% of 5070 WSIs 15% of 5,070 WSIs 13,537 WSIs Own Enconder-Decoder CNN + U-Net Own CNN No Supervised (Patch) and Weakly Supervised (Slide) Accuracy: 0.98
Iizuka et al.21 2020 Stomach & Small intestine 2 models with 3 classes Cancer Private Stomach: 3,628 WSIs Stomach & Colon: 500 WSIs Stomach & Colon: 500 WSIs Tissue segmentation and data augmentation Customized Inception V3 RNN using the last but one layer from the previous model as input No Supervised AUC e: AUC e:
Stomach: 0.97 and 0.99 Stomach: 0.98 and 0.93
Colon: 3,536 WSIs Colon: 0.96 and 0.99 Colon: 0.97 and 0.96
Campanella et al.8 2019 Skin 2 Cancer Private 8387 WSIsc 1575 WSIsc ResNet34 RNN using the last but one layer from the previous model as input No Weakly supervised AUC: 0.994
Chuang et al.9 2020 Larynx, lip and oral cavity, esophagus, pharynx 3 Cancer Private 626 Cases 100 Cases ResNetXt ResNet using the probability map as input Yes Supervised AUC: 0.985

Captions – Not mentioned or not performed


Details can be found in the Supplementary Table


Training and validation set used during training was considered as training set in this column


Not clearly specified, only the test set size and the whole dataset size, this number was estimated with these 2 information


No metrics were performed by the authors in terms of final diagnosis, we calculated this metric using the table of misclassifcation comparison


AUC of adenocarcinoma and adenoma compared to benign, respectively


This study used the same model in 2 different tasks of lung carcinoma, one in a private set with 4 classes, and another in the TCGA differentiating 2 classes. We considered the most complex task.


Authors performed only the Benign vs. Cancer AUC in the internal test set.


Metrics representing: Benign vs Cancer, Gleason score 6 or ASAP vs Gleason score 7–10, ASAP or Gleason pattern 3 or 4 vs Gleason pattern 5, Cancer without vs with perineural invasion, respectively