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. 2022 Sep 29;13:991588. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2022.991588

Table 3.

MRI sequences applied in GO assessment.

Tissue or organs Index Method MRI sequence MRI findings Reference
Orbital fat Exophthalmos the perpendicular distance between the interzygomatic line and the surface of the cornea T1WI 1–2 mm difference between MRI and Hertel ophthalmometry Cevik et al. (15)
Maria et al. (16)
Volume ROI outlined and restructured by Mimics T1WI with thin layers Orbital fat volume in GO is higher than healthy control Shen et al. (17)
Thickness The maximum distance between the eyeball and medial wall T1WI The thickness increased successively among the healthy control, responsive group and unresponsive group Hu et al. (18)
Xu et al. (19)
EOMs Diameters Short Diameter: medial and lateral rectus muscles were measured on axial images, others on coronal images T1WI Affected by many factors, a possible predictor of glucocorticoid response Xu et al. (19)
Volume ROI outlined and restructured by Mimics T1WI with thin section EOMs volume in GO are higher than healthy control Shen et al. (17)
EOMs Inflammation Draw ROI on the maximum EOMs cross-section T2 mapping T2RT got from T2 mapping is higher in therapeutic responsive group than unresponsive group Zhai et al. (20)
Draw ROI on the muscle with highest signal intensity STIR-T2WI SIR is correlate with CAS Mayer et al. (21, 22)
Dixon-T2WI Dixon-T2WI has fewer artifacts and higher efficacy than traditional FS sequences Ollitrault et al. (23)
Chen et al. (24)
Echo planar DWI, non-EPI DWI Both sequences can discriminate GO from controls, but non-EPI DWI might have higher efficacy Politi et al. (25)
Feeney et al. (26)
Fat infiltration Intramuscular fat quantification by specific calculation Dixon-T2WI FF of EOMs in GO is higher than normal Das et al. (27)
Fibrosis Draw ROI of inferior rectus and medial rectus muscles on the maximum cross-section Non contrast T1 mapping Although several EOMs show higher signal on FS sequence, decrease in T1 SI predict unresponsible to therapy Matsuzawa et al. (28)
Draw ROI of four rectus muscles at muscle belly precontrast and postcontrast Pre/post contrast T1mapping ECV is higher and relate to pathological findings in inactive groups Ma et al. (29)
Lacrimal gland Herniation The perpendicular distance between the interzygomatic line and the most anterior tip T2WI with FS The herniation value is higher in active and glucocorticoid responsive patients Gagliardo et al. (30)
Inflammation “Hotspot”: ROI which only a little proportion of the whole cross-section placed on the highest SI region T2WI with FS SIR is higher in active GO than inactive Hu et al. (31)
Draw ROI on the maximum LG cross-section T2 mapping T2 value is higher in GO than GD and it’s an independent predictor for the diagnosis of GO Wu et al. (32)
Optic nerve DON Muscle index and T2 value got from four continuous slices and select the most efficacy slice Dixon-T2WI,
T2 mapping
Muscle index and T2 value are higher in DON Zou et al. (33)
The optic nerve sheath diameter, optic nerve diameter and optic nerve subarachnoid space got from two continuous slices and select the most efficacy slice Modified Dixon-T2WI The optic nerve subarachnoid space is larger in DON than GO and health control Wu et al. (34)

MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; T1WI, T1 weighted image; ROI, regions of interest; GO, Graves ophthalmopathy; EOMs, extraocular muscles; T2RT, T2 relaxation time; SIR, signal intensity ratio; CAS, clinical activity score; T2WI, T2 weighted images; FS, fat suppressed; DWI, diffusion weighted image; EPI, echo planar imaging; FF, fat fraction; SI, signal intensity; ECV, extracellular volume; LG, lacrimal gland; GD, Graves’ disease; DON, dysthyroid optic neuropathy.