Table 3.
Tissue or organs | Index | Method | MRI sequence | MRI findings | Reference |
Orbital fat | Exophthalmos | the perpendicular distance between the interzygomatic line and the surface of the cornea | T1WI | 1–2 mm difference between MRI and Hertel ophthalmometry | Cevik et al. (15) Maria et al. (16) |
Volume | ROI outlined and restructured by Mimics | T1WI with thin layers | Orbital fat volume in GO is higher than healthy control | Shen et al. (17) | |
Thickness | The maximum distance between the eyeball and medial wall | T1WI | The thickness increased successively among the healthy control, responsive group and unresponsive group | Hu et al. (18) Xu et al. (19) |
EOMs | Diameters | Short Diameter: medial and lateral rectus muscles were measured on axial images, others on coronal images | T1WI | Affected by many factors, a possible predictor of glucocorticoid response | Xu et al. (19) |
Volume | ROI outlined and restructured by Mimics | T1WI with thin section | EOMs volume in GO are higher than healthy control | Shen et al. (17) | |
EOMs | Inflammation | Draw ROI on the maximum EOMs cross-section | T2 mapping | T2RT got from T2 mapping is higher in therapeutic responsive group than unresponsive group | Zhai et al. (20) |
Draw ROI on the muscle with highest signal intensity | STIR-T2WI | SIR is correlate with CAS | Mayer et al. (21, 22) | ||
Dixon-T2WI | Dixon-T2WI has fewer artifacts and higher efficacy than traditional FS sequences | Ollitrault et al. (23) Chen et al. (24) |
Echo planar DWI, non-EPI DWI | Both sequences can discriminate GO from controls, but non-EPI DWI might have higher efficacy | Politi et al. (25) Feeney et al. (26) |
Fat infiltration | Intramuscular fat quantification by specific calculation | Dixon-T2WI | FF of EOMs in GO is higher than normal | Das et al. (27) | |
Fibrosis | Draw ROI of inferior rectus and medial rectus muscles on the maximum cross-section | Non contrast T1 mapping | Although several EOMs show higher signal on FS sequence, decrease in T1 SI predict unresponsible to therapy | Matsuzawa et al. (28) | |
Draw ROI of four rectus muscles at muscle belly precontrast and postcontrast | Pre/post contrast T1mapping | ECV is higher and relate to pathological findings in inactive groups | Ma et al. (29) | ||
Lacrimal gland | Herniation | The perpendicular distance between the interzygomatic line and the most anterior tip | T2WI with FS | The herniation value is higher in active and glucocorticoid responsive patients | Gagliardo et al. (30) |
Inflammation | “Hotspot”: ROI which only a little proportion of the whole cross-section placed on the highest SI region | T2WI with FS | SIR is higher in active GO than inactive | Hu et al. (31) | |
Draw ROI on the maximum LG cross-section | T2 mapping | T2 value is higher in GO than GD and it’s an independent predictor for the diagnosis of GO | Wu et al. (32) | ||
Optic nerve | DON | Muscle index and T2 value got from four continuous slices and select the most efficacy slice | Dixon-T2WI, T2 mapping |
Muscle index and T2 value are higher in DON | Zou et al. (33) |
The optic nerve sheath diameter, optic nerve diameter and optic nerve subarachnoid space got from two continuous slices and select the most efficacy slice | Modified Dixon-T2WI | The optic nerve subarachnoid space is larger in DON than GO and health control | Wu et al. (34) |
MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; T1WI, T1 weighted image; ROI, regions of interest; GO, Graves ophthalmopathy; EOMs, extraocular muscles; T2RT, T2 relaxation time; SIR, signal intensity ratio; CAS, clinical activity score; T2WI, T2 weighted images; FS, fat suppressed; DWI, diffusion weighted image; EPI, echo planar imaging; FF, fat fraction; SI, signal intensity; ECV, extracellular volume; LG, lacrimal gland; GD, Graves’ disease; DON, dysthyroid optic neuropathy.