Ebselen interferes with the correct organization of the
pocket. (A, B) Ebselen binds the YTHDF1 YTH domain adopting different
poses; the protein matrix is shown in green with ebselen in cyan for
pose 1, while for binding mode 2, the YTH domain is in violet with
the ebselen molecule in slate. The selenium anomalous map is contoured
at 3.5σ and shown in orange. (C) In the holo 4RCJ structure (dark
yellow), the β4−β5 loop organizes its structure
on the bound m6A (yellow); in the apo 4RCI structure (lime), the loop is disordered,
but Trp470 inserts into the binding pocket; and ebselen (color code:
cyan for pose 1, slate for pose 2) binding is incompatible with the
m6A-binding-competent conformation. (D) Due to Trp465 or Trp470 displacement,
ebselen enlarges the m6A pocket; the druggable pocket has been identified
with DoGSiteScorer.46