Figure 1.
ILC differentiation pathways in the different models that are currently proposed. (A) Mouse bone marrow model. (B) Human tonsil model. (C) Human blood model which describes the heterogeneous ILCP group (inside a black line), ILC subsets from unipotent ILCPs (orange background), and ILC subsets from multipotent ILCPs (green background) via its intermediates (blue background). (D) Mouse fetal liver model. Solid lines indicate the differentiation pathway which is considered the main pathway. Dashed lines indicate the alternative pathways that are demonstrated by the experiments in specific conditions. LMPP: lymphoid primed multipotent progenitors; CLP, common lymphoid progenitor; αLP, α-lymphoid precursor cells; EILP, early inmate lymphoid progenitor; DC, dendritic cells; CHILP, common helper-like innate lymphoid progenitor; NKP, natural killer cell progenitor; ILCP, innate lymphoid cell progenitor; ILC1/2/3, group 1/2/3 innate lymphoid cell; NK, natural killer cell; LTi, lymphoid tissue inducer; EToP1/2, early tonsil progenitor 1/2; CILCP, common innate lymphoid cell progenitor; YS, yolk sac; AGM, aorta–gonad–mesonephros.