Deletion of Pkm2 in Pde6βH620Q/H620Q mice preserves rod and cone function. ERG b-wave magnitudes for scotopic, mixed maximal, and photopic response were taken and compared for control (Pkm2+/+
Pde6βH620Q/H620Q, blue bar) and experimental (Pkm2−/−
Pde6βH620Q/H620Q, green bar) mice. Experimental and control mice were injected with tamoxifen and ethanol, respectively at P8, P9, and P11. a ERG recordings at four weeks (P28). Experimental mice exhibited enhanced scotopic b-wave amplitudes compared to controls. Differences in the magnitudes of mixed maximal and photopic b-waves were not statistically significant. (n = 12 for both groups; (*P < 0.05). b ERG recordings at eight weeks (P56). Experimental mice exhibited enhanced b-wave magnitudes for all groups compared to controls. (n = 6 for control group, n = 8 for experimental group; *P < 0.05). c Representative ERG tracings for scotopic, mixed maximal, and photopic response at four weeks (P28) and eight weeks (P56)