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. 2022 Oct 18;12:16860. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-20346-w

Table 1.

Phospholipidation enables adsorption of UM-3003 to alum and Infanrix vaccine.

Sample (Alum: UM-3003 Salt) Time point Time (min) Peak area % Adsorbed
1:2 Alum: UM-3003 (aq) 0 (< 5 min) 12 19.81 96.5
15 min 18 8.41 98.5
30 min 34 0.06 100.0
60 min 68 n.a 100.0
23 h 1380 n.a 100.0
1:1 Alum: UM-3003 (aq) 0 (< 5 min) 12 12.04 97.8
15 min 18 n.a 100.0
30 min 34 n.a 100.0
60 min 68 n.a 100.0
23 h 1380 n.a 100.0
Alum control 0 (< 5 min) n.a 0.0
23 h n.a 0.0
UM-3003 (aq) control 0 (< 5 min) 160.1
23 h 175.11
1:4 Infanrix Alum: UM-3003 (aq) 1 99.1
5 99.4
7 99.9
10 99.9
15 100.0
30 100.0
76 100.0
180 99.9
1260 99.9

Adsorption kinetics of UM-3003 [molecular weight (MW) of 1047.42)] onto 2% alhydrogel alum and DTaP alum respectively. Aluminum hydroxide derived from DTaP (Infanrix) vaccine, which has preexisting pertussis antigen adsorbed to its surface, was evaluated up to 23 h. UM-3003 fully adsorbed (~ 96–100%) to the alum/antigen within 30 min, with or without excess alum.