Figure 2.
Covid-19 patient survival with and without VV-ECMO intervention during their hospital stay. (a) The Kaplan–Meier estimator was used to estimate survival function. The starting-point was ICU admission and the endpoint was ICU discharge. Group 1 = critically ill COVID-19 patients treated without VV-ECMO; Group 2 = critically ill COVID-19 patients with VV-ECMO treatment. Critically ill COVID-19 patients with VV-ECMO treatment had a significantly lower survival during the hospital stay compared to those without the treatment (p < 0.001). (b) Among the VV-ECMO patients there was no significant difference with regard to the number of days on VV-ECMO between the patients who died during their hospital stay and survivors (p = 0.35). The descriptive plot of means and error bars indicate the traditional 95% confidence intervals.