Protein expression levels of ribosomal proteins in highly purified brain capillaries isolated from cerebral gray and white matter in AD patients. Brain capillaries were isolated from gray (neocortex) and white (corona radiata) matter of four AD and three control donors. Tryptic digests were produced and subjected to SWATH analysis. The protein expression levels were normalized by the average protein expression levels in gray matter capillaries of control donors. BH-adjusted p value <0.05 (*), <0.01 (**), and <0.001 (***), significantly different between AD and control groups. (a) Small ribosomal subunit proteins (40S ribosomal protein) and (b) Large ribosomal subunit proteins (60S ribosomal protein). Ctrl GM, gray matter capillaries in control donors; AD GM, gray matter capillaries in AD donors; Ctrl WM, white matter capillaries in control donors; AD WM, white matter capillaries in AD donors. Circle, control 1 or AD 1; Triangle, control 2 or AD 2; Diamond, control 3 or AD 3; Cross, AD 4. Bar, average value in each group. For AD patients, blue plots correspond to males, and red plots to females.