Vibrio cholerae (Vc) isolation and pH from a subset of frozen samples and the relationship between these factors and CFU count from the fresh sample; n = 18 for each sample type. Vc CFU were enumerated from fresh plating of stool selective tellurite taurocholate gelatin agar. (A) Vc isolation of vomitus and (B) stool samples. Each data point represents one sample. “Isolated from sample without preservative” indicates that Vc was isolated from samples stored in no preservative. If this method of isolation failed, samples stored in glycerol were attempted, and successful where “Isolation from glycerol-stored sample only” is indicated. If both glycerol-preserved samples and no preservative samples failed Vc isolation, “No Vc recovery” is shown. Three of 20 participants had one or both samples omitted from this figure: One study participant’s vomitus and stool samples are not included because only a glycerol culture for Vc was performed. One study participant’s fresh vomitus sample had no CFU on TTGA culture (and stool was TTGA Vc positive); thus, the vomitus sample was omitted from this figure. Another single study participant’s fresh stool sample had no CFU on TTGA culture (and vomitus was TTGA Vc positive); thus, the stool sample was omitted from this figure. One stool CFU count was “uncountable,” shown on this figure at 109.