Antibiogram reports should be analyzed and presented at least annually. |
Only diagnostic (not surveillance) isolates should be included. |
Only final, verified test results should be included. |
Duplicates should be eliminated by including only the first isolate of a species, patient, and/or analysis period, regardless of specimen source or antimicrobial susceptibility profile. |
Only species with testing data for ≥30 isolates should be included. |
Only antimicrobial agents routinely tested against the population of isolates to be analyzed should be included, and the %S should be calculated from results reported as well as those that may be suppressed on patient reports for which selective or cascade reporting rules have been applied. |
To decrease biases in susceptibility estimates, laboratorians should refrain from including results for supplemental antimicrobial agents selectively tested on resistant isolates only. |
Laboratorians should report the %S but exclude the %I and %SDD in the %S statistic. |