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. 2022 Aug 2;60(10):e02210-21. doi: 10.1128/jcm.02210-21


Characteristics of sources used for data acquisition for antibiogram (2123)

Attribute or characteristic Data source:
AST instrument LIS EHR/CDSS
Data extraction
 Ease of data extraction Standard data export features with predefined formats, generally simple Format created by vendor; may need specific module or procedure (simple or difficult depending on the system) Format created by vendor; may need additional programming or module installation (simple or difficult depending on the system)
 Availability of patient demographics, patient locations, and specimen source data Possibly, depending on the AST system and completeness of manual data entry or bidirectional LIS interface Generally, yes Yes
 Availability of suppressed antimicrobial resultsa Yes Depends on the configuration. Results from suppressed antimicrobials often missing. Generally, no
 Availability of quantitative MIC data Generally, yes Generally, yes, if desired. Generally, yes, if desired
 Availability of results from offline AST (e.g., gradient diffusion and disk diffusion) No, unless manually entered Yes Yes
 Capability of removing duplicate AST results No Yes Possibly
Data analysis
 Customizability Low Moderate to high Moderate to high
 Stratification of results by patient details Possibly, depending on the AST system and completeness of manual data entry or bidirectional LIS interface Yes Yes
 Ability to reanalyze retrospective data using updated breakpoints No Possibly, if there are separate fields for MIC or zone value and interpretation. Possibly, if there are separate fields for MIC or zone value and interpretation.
 Frequency of data analysis, capability of automation Generated interactively by the user Can often be run interactively by the user or automated depending on the system Can often be run interactively by the user or automated depending on the system
 Additional support for setup and use
 Additional cost None, utilizing standard AST system features Standard features within some systems, but needs creation and customization by others Standard features within some systems, but needs creation and customization by others
 Dependency on local informatics resources No Yes Yes
 Dependence on vendor-defined reports Yes Depends on the system capabilities, including predefined and customizable reports. Depends on the system capabilities, including predefined and customizable reports.

Applies to AST results available/unavailable based on cascade or selective reporting. AST, antimicrobial susceptibility test; LIS, laboratory information system; EHR, electronic healthcare record; CDSS, clinical decision support system.