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. 2022 Oct 5;15:1006908. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2022.1006908


Human models of menthol and its products.

Compound Route of administration Indication Effects Clinical trial number References
10 mM menthol Oral Healthy subjects Transiently desensitize capsaicin-sensitive fibers NA Proudfoot et al., 2006
40% Menthol Topical Healthy subjects Topical menthol induced cold allodynia NA Wasner et al., 2004, 2008; Namer et al., 2005, 2008; Seifert and Maihöfner, 2007; Altis et al., 2009; Flühr et al., 2009; Binder et al., 2011; Mahn et al., 2014
30% Menthol Topical Healthy subjects 30% Topical menthol can induce cold hyperalgesia with effectively and safely NA Hatem et al., 2006
10% Menthol Topical Healthy subjects No significant to histamine-induced itch and pain sensation NA Yosipovitch et al., 1996
Tetracaine gel with vs. without menthol Topical Healthy subjects Improved the analgesic efficacy of the tetracaine gel in part through enhanced percutaneous permeation NA Liu et al., 2005
Menthol smokers vs. non-menthol smokers NA Healthy subjects Less pain and pain-related functional interference NA Kosiba et al., 2019
0%, 10%, 20% and 30% menthol Topical Healthy subjects The concentration-dependent grading response elicits a range of sensations NA Wright et al., 2019
Topical pain-relieving patch (containing 6% menthol) vs. placebo Topical Mild to moderate pain condition Significant relief of pain NA Gudin et al., 2020
40% Menthol Topical Upper limb amputees Induce hypersensitivity NA Vase et al., 2013
40% Menthol vs. placebo Topical Healthy subjects, Trans-cinnamaldehyde-induced hyperalgesia No Results Posted NCT02653703 Andersen et al., 2016
5% Menthol cream vs. placebo Topical After photodynamic therapy No Results Posted NCT02984072
Menthol (Biofreeze) vs. placebo Topical Acute LBP Significant relief of pain NA Zhang J. et al., 2008
Menthol (Biofreeze) vs. placebo Topical Non-radicular mechanical neck pain No Results Posted NCT03012503
3.5% Menthol gel vs. inert placebo gel Topical OA No significant improvement NA Topp et al., 2013
Menthol (Biofreeze) vs. placebo Topical OA No Results Posted NCT03888807, NCT04351594, NCT01565070
Menthol (Biofreeze) vs. placebo Topical EIMD Menthol may reduce the sensation of muscle soreness and may influence recovery of lower-body power NA Gillis et al., 2020
Menthol (Biofreeze) vs. placebo Topical DOMS Significant relief of pain associated with increased corticospinal inhibition NA Stefanelli et al., 2019
3.5% menthol gel vs. application of ice Topical DOMS Decreased perceived discomfort to a greater extent and permitted greater tetanic forces to be produced. NA Johar et al., 2012
3.5% menthol gel vs. inert placebo gel Topical Soft tissue injuries Significant relief of pain NA Airaksinen et al., 2003
3% menthol + ibuprofen vs. gel ibuprofen gel alone/diclofenac gel Topical Soft tissue injuries Significant relief of pain NA Wade et al., 2019
Mentholated cream only vs. MC containing oxygenated glycerol triesters Topical Acute musculoskeletal pain The combination resulted in a gradual reduction in pain, lower VAS scores, and greater improvements in lifestyle and mobility improvements NCT01387750 Taylor et al., 2012
3.5% Menthol patch vs. placebo patch Topical Mild to moderate musculoskeletal strain Significant relief of pain NA Higashi et al., 2010
1% Diclofenac/3% menthol gel vs. inert placebo gel Topical Acute ankle sprain No significant improvement NCT02100670 Lai et al., 2017
Menthol (Biofreeze) vs. placebo Topical CTS No Results Posted NCT01716767
Menthol (Biofreeze) vs. placebo Topical CTS Significant relief of pain NA Sundstrup et al., 2014
Neat peppermint oil (containing 10% menthol)* Topical Postherpetic neuralgia Significant relief of pain NA Davies et al., 2002
Menthol (Biofreeze) vs. placebo Topical MPS Increase in the mouth opening size NA Yaman et al., 2021
1% Menthol cream Topical CIPN, PMPS Significant relief of pain NA Fallon et al., 2015
1% Menthol cream* Topical CIPN Significant relief of pain NA Cortellini et al., 2017
5% Menthol cream* Topical CIPN Significant relief of pain NA Brid et al., 2015
7.5% Methyl salicylate/2% menthol lotion vs. placebo Topical CIPN No Results Posted NCT01855607
3.5% Menthol gel vs. inert placebo gel Topical CIPN No Results Posted NCT04276727
Mannitol + menthol cream vs. menthol cream Topical PDPN No Results Posted NCT02728687
No cooling vs. menthol-containing cooling bandage vs. ice containing cold pack Topical Undergoing anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Positive subjective comfort feedback NA Engelhard et al., 2019
Menthol 10% solution vs. menthol 0.5% solution Topical Migraine Significant relief of pain NA Borhani Haghighi et al., 2010
6% Menthol gel (STOPAIN) Topical Migraine Significant relief of pain NCT01687101 St Cyr et al., 2015; Kayama et al., 2018
40% Menthol Topical Histamine-induced itch An inhibitory effect on histaminergic itch NA Andersen et al., 2017; Engelhard et al., 2019
Menthol based aromatic therapy vs. placebo NA Second trimester genetic amniocentesis No significant improvement NA Hanprasertpong et al., 2015

* Case reports. CTS, carpal tunnel syndrome; CIPN, chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy; DOMS, delayed-onset muscle soreness; EIMD, exercise-induced muscle damage; LBP, low back pain; MPS, Masticatory myofascial pain syndrome; OA, osteoarthritis; PDPN, painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy; PMPS, post-mastectomy pain syndrome; VAS, Visual Analog Scale.