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. 2021 Sep 3;1:731340. doi: 10.3389/fbinf.2021.731340


List of target-related parameters used for anti-IL-33 model.

Parameter Description Value, units Comments and references
IL33s_0 Initial concentration of free IL-33 at the SoA (lung) 11 pM 200 pg/mg of lung tissue in COPD or asthmatic patients (Cohen et al., 2015)
IL33p_0 Initial concentration of free IL-33 in plasma 1.5 pM Assumed similar between asthma and allergic rhinitis – 27 pg/ml (Glück et al., 2019)
sST2_0 Initial concentration of free sST2 in plasma 27 pM 1 ng/ml in mild/moderate attack ((Oshikawa et al., 2001)), within two-fold of most other situations in Oshikawa et al. (2001) and levels in Glück et al. (2019)
sST2_IL33p_0 Initial concentration of sST2-bound IL-33 in plasma = kon_ST2∗ IL33p0sST2p0koff_ST2+ kdeg_sST2_IL33p To preserve drug-free equilibrium values
IL-33 molecular weight To convert mass concentration into molarity 18 kDa Palmer et al. (2008)
sST2 molecular weight To convert mass concentration into molarity 37 kDa Mueller and Dieplinger, (2016)
kdeg_IL33p Degradation rate of IL-33 in plasma 4.2 1/day ∼4 h half-life in human lung explants (Cohen et al., 2015)
kdeg_sST2p Degradation rate of sST2 in plasma 2.6 1/day 6.3 h half-life (recombinant, IV administration) (Jacobs et al., 1993)
kdeg_sST2_IL33p Degradation rate of sST2:IL-33 complex in plasma =  kdeg_sST2p Assumed
kon_ST2 Association constant between IL-33 and sST2 358 1/nM/day Palmer et al. (2008)
koff_ST2 Dissociation rate between IL-33 and sST2  =  kon_ST2∗ KD_IL33_sST2 KD_IL33_sST2 = 26 pM (Palmer et al., 2008)
kps_IL33 IL-33 distribution rate from plasma to SoA 0.13 1/day See Estimating Target Distribution
ksp_IL33 IL-33 distribution rate from SoA to plasma = (kps_IL33p∗ IL33p0)VPVS*IL33s0+ksyn_IL33sIL33s0 To preserve drug-free equilibrium values
ksyn_IL33s IL-33 synthesis rate at the SoA = (kdeg_IL33p∗ IL33p0+ kdeg_sST2_IL33p∗ sST2_IL33p0)VPVS To preserve drug-free equilibrium values
ksyn_sST2p sST2 synthesis rate in plasma = kdeg_sST2p∗ sST2p0+kdeg_sST2_IL33p∗ sST2_IL33p0 To preserve drug-free equilibrium values