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. 2022 Oct 5;3:1005111. doi: 10.3389/fresc.2022.1005111

Table 5.

Contralateral silent period latency and duration findings in individuals with and without spinal cord injury.

Reference Muscle Test side Number of participants Metric SCI (ms) Healthy control (ms) CSP definition + findings
Davey et al., 1998 (46) Thenar More Affected Side (lateralized symptoms) OR ELSE Dominant Side (Right) SCI = 10 AB = 10 Onset Latency 51.8 (SE = 1.8) 33.4 (SE = 1.9) From the stimulus to the point in the record where the EMG fell consistently below mean background levels using sub-threshold TMS intensity
Smith et al., 2000 (45) Thenar More Affected Side (lateralized symptoms) OR ELSE Dominant Side (Right) SCI = 21 AB = 10 Onset Latency 50 (SE = 2.2) 32 (SE = 1.5) From the stimulus to the point in the record where the EMG fell consistently below mean background levels using sub-threshold TMS intensity + Reported values at 51–100 days post injury
Freund et al., 2011 (40) Extensor Digitorum Communis Dominant side (9 = right; 1 = left) SCI = 9 AB = 14 Duration Median = 130 (IQR = 60) Median = 96 (IQR = 30) From the time-point of TMS stimulus artefact to the resumption of sustained EMG activity + CSP duration negatively correlated with cervical cross-sectional area
Sfreddo et al., 2021 (44) Abductor Pollicis Brevis Side with lower motor thresholds and more consistent central and peripheral electrophysiological responses SCI = 9 AB = 12 Duration Median = 102.5 (IQR = 76.3–148.6) Median = 95.4 (IQR = 86.6–110.2) From the end of MEP to the earliest resumption of pre-TMS EMG activity. Differences between groups not significant
Nardone et al., 2008 (74) First Dorsal Interossei Both sides SCI = 1 AB = 10 Duration Right = 245 Left = 252 Right = 162.6 (95% CI = 82.2) Left = 165.2 (95% CI = 83.4) From the end of the EMG response to the return of sustained poststimulus EMG activity

AB, Able-bodied; CI, confidence intervals; CSP, contralateral silent period; EMG, electromyography; IQR, Interquartile range; MEP, motor evoked potential; ms, milliseconds; SCI, spinal cord injury; SE, standard error of the mean; TMS, transcranial magnetic stimulation.