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. 2022 Oct 5;14:995425. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.995425


fMRI regions showing functional activation during the N-back tasks.

Anatomical region Hemisphere Peak coordinates
(X, Y, Z)
Frontopolar cortex L −33, 52, 6
Frontopolar cortex R 32, 55, 8
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex L −44, 29, 33
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex R 41, 37, 30
Posterior middle frontal gyrus L −26, 12, 52
Posterior middle frontal gyrus R 28, 13, 52
Anterior inferior parietal lobule L −43, −59, 50
Anterior inferior parietal lobule R 44, −60, 49
Posterior inferior parietal lobule L −34, −77, 42
Posterior inferior parietal lobule R 42, −72, 37
Anterior cingulate cortex L −6, 24, 43
Precuneus L −7, −68, 52

The table lists the regions that were most significantly active during the working memory (1-back and 2-back) conditions compared to the control condition (functional contrast of [2-back/2 + 1-back/2] > Compare). The peak coordinates are reported in MNI space (LPI/SPM) and refer to the voxel with the greatest positive activation.