Figure 3.
GeneEMBED candidates are significantly related to curated sets of AD genes
(A) Receiver operator characteristic curves are shown for Disc. VISEA for network diffusion to CTD and ClinVar AD gene sets. To determine significance of observed area under the curve (AUC), a permutation testing strategy is used wherein random gene sets of the same size are generated 100 times and analyzed through nDiffusion to create a random distribution of AUCs. Reported Z-scores are calculated relative to these backgrounds. y axis of the ROC plots are true positive rates (TPRs), and x axis is false-positive rate (FPR). Similarly, y axis of the Z score distribution is probability density, and x axis is the AUROC score of random gene sets.
(B–D) Analogous plots are shown for (B) Ext VISEA, (C) Disc VISPPh2, and (D) Ext VISPPh2.