(A) Quantification of BM cellularity and percentage of total B and T cell populations in the BMs of mice of the indicated genotypes. (B) Gating strategy of the B-cell populations in the BM: mature recirculating, immature, late-pre-B, and pro-B/early pre-B cells. (C) Quantification of the percentage among live B220+ B cells and absolute counts of mature recirculating and immature B cells. (D) Quantification of frequencies and absolute counts of late pre-B and pro-B/early pre-B cells among live B220+ B cells. (E) Representative flow cytometric plot depicting gating strategy of B220+CD43–B, B220+CD43+B, and non-B (B220–CD43+) cells in the spleen. (F, G) Quantification of the absolute number of live splenocytes (F), and of the percentage of splenic CD43–B, CD43+B, and non-B cells (G) in the mice of the indicated genotypes. (H) Gating strategy of the various splenic B cell subpopulations: marginal zone (MZ), follicular (FO), transitional-1 (T1), and transitional-2 (T2) B cells. (I) Frequencies of follicular and marginal zone B cells among total splenic B220+ cells. (J) Frequencies of T1 and T2 B cells among whole B220+B cells in the spleen. (K) Relative expression of Gen1 and Mus81 mRNA transcripts in LPS+IL-4-activated B cells of the indicated genotypes at 48 hr after stimulation. Data in (A–J) are from three independent experiments with 11–18 mice per genotype. Data in (K) are from three independent experiments with six mice per genotype. Bars depict the arithmetic mean and error bars represent the 95% confidence interval of the measured parameters. P values were calculated with ordinary one-way ANOVA analysis with Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test without pairing. All means were compared to the Cd23-Cre Gen1−/−
Mus81fl/fl group.