Figure 5. CD81 promotes tumorigenesis of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells.
(A) Table of serial dilutions of tumorigenic results with CD81+ and CD81−TN1 PDX, CD81 WT/KO 4T1 cells, and CD81 WT/KO/KO + CD81 overexpression (OE) MDA-MB-231. One-tailed Student T-test. Pictures of harvested tumors (B) and graphs of tumor weight comparisons (C) with CD81+ and CD81−TN1 PDX tumor implants. Scale bar = 1.3 cm. n = 10–16 injections per group. N= 6-12. Error bars represent standard deviation. Two-tailed Student T-test comparisons between CD81+ and CD81− cells: *p = 0.026 (1000 cells), 0.019 (100 cells). Pictures of harvested tumors (D) graphs of tumor weight comparisons (E). Scale bar = 1 cm. n = 8 injections (2 injections/mouse). N= 8. Error bars represent standard deviation. Two-tailed Student T-test **p = 0.002, ***p = 0.001. Pictures of harvested tumors (F) and graphs of tumor weight comparisons (G) with CD81 WT/KO/KO + CD81 OE MDA-MB-231 cells. Scale bar = 1 cm. n = 8 injections (4 injections/mouse). N= 8. Error bars represent standard deviation. Two-tailed Student T-test ***p = 0.0007, **p = 0.006, *p = 0.026.