Climatic factors |
Annual mean temperature |
Bio1 (°C) |
WorldClim version 2 |
Mean diurnal range (mean of monthly (max temp–min temp)) |
Bio2 (°C) |
Isothermality (Bio2/Bio7) (× 100) |
Bio3 (°C) |
Temperature seasonality (standard deviation × 100) |
Bio4 (°C) |
Max temperature of warmest month |
Bio5 (°C) |
Min temperature of coldest month |
Bio6 (°C) |
Temperature annual range (Bio5-Bio6) |
Bio7 (°C) |
Mean temperature of warmest quarter |
Bio8 (°C) |
Mean temperature of coldest quarter |
Bio9 (°C) |
Annual precipitation |
Bio10(mm) |
Precipitation of wettest month |
Bio11 (mm) |
Precipitation of driest month |
Bio12 (mm) |
Precipitation seasonality (coefficient of variation) |
Bio13 (mm) |
Precipitation of wettest quarter |
Bio14 (mm) |
Precipitation of driest quarter |
Bio15 (mm) |
Geographical factors |
Elevation (m) |
Shuttle radar topography mission (SRTM) |
Vegetation |
Global inventory modelling and mapping studies (GIMMS) group |
Human factors |
Land cover |
International geosphere-biosphere programme (IGBP) |
Urban accessibility |
European Commission Joint Research Center |