Comparison between CV and RV association analysis.
Considerations | CV association analysis | RV association analysis |
Assays | Typically captured using inexpensive genotyping microarrays | Often requires NGS, especially for detecting extremely rare/novel variants |
Number of variants tested | Often single variant based (e.g., GWAS) | Often multiple variants based due to low power of single-variant methods |
Population structure | Confounding can be adequately controlled using PCA or mixed models | Rare variants are likely more recent and reflect finer subpopulations. May need either more PCs or specifically designed methods |
Null distributions of test statistics | Ordinary asymptotic distributions work well | Null distributions are often complex mixtures and more sophisticated methods may be necessary |
Use of annotations | Statistical test for each variant is often performed without relying on annotations | Due to the large number of rare variants in a region, annotations are often used to filter rare variants |
Interpretation | Due to potential LD, single-variant associations may be tag-SNPs | May be unclear which RVs are “driving” a significant RV association result using aggregative testing, especially those considering both directions |