Effect of 3-DSC on the mode and mechanism of death of HeLa and PC3. A: SRB cell viability assay to detect the mode of death. B and C: The proteins expression of AKT, p-ERK and p53. D and E: Molecular docking results of 3-DSC with AKT. Z-VAD-FMK is a Pan-Caspase inhibitor; MHY1485 is a potent, cell-permeable mTOR agonist that also effectively inhibits autophagy; Fer-1 (Ferrostatin-1) is a potent and selective inhibitor of ferroptosis; Nec-1 (Necrostatin-1) is a specific RIP1 (RIPK1) inhibitor that inhibits cell necrosis; Lip-1 (Liproxstatin-1) is a potent inhibitor of ferroptosis. ∗ indicates comparison with 3-DSC free group (0 group), ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001.