Supplementary Fig. 2.
Neutrophil cytotoxicity in preliminary tests. Fluorescence images of CC monolayer alone and co-cultured with neutrophils after 24 h, 10× magnification (A). Quantification of the area covered by the CC monolayer with and without neutrophils (n = 30, data were collected from three separate experiments with neutrophils isolated from three different blood donors, at least two samples for each condition) (B). Fluorescence images of CCs embedded in 3D hydrogel droplets, alone and co-cultured with neutrophils for 24 h, then treated with Draq7 which stains the nuclei of dead cells (white), 10× magnification (C). Data reporting the quantification of the number of dead CCs with and without neutrophils (at least n = 22 for condition, data were obtained from two experiments with neutrophils obtained from two different blood donors, four samples for each condition; number of dead CCs divided by the area covered by CCs). The data reported in the graph were normalized by the area of CCs (D). Quantification of immunofluorescence staining of ROS (E).