Eicosanoid levels throughout disease progression in mouse models of pancreatic tumorigenesis. Schematics depicting biosynthesis of select (A) prostaglandins and (B) HETEs/HDHEs, along with relevant synthases and receptors. Eicosanoid profiles of (C) autochthonous tumors (KPC mice), (D) orthotopic tumors (FC-1199, FC-1242, FC-1245 cell lines), and (E) PanIN-bearing pancreata (KC mice) with respect to normal pancreas values. (F) Eicosanoid levels in autochthonous tumors with respect to PanIN. All values, pmol/mg protein. Samples with a mean difference ±20 pmol/mg protein and P < .05 are indicated in either red, up, or blue, down. (G) Hierarchical clustering and heatmap of select eicosanoid levels in the samples shown in C–F. Heatmap values are z-score normalized by row, and colors are assigned by quintile scaling. (H) Schematic of major eicosanoids associated with pancreatic tumorigenesis in mouse models.