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. 2022 Oct 6;13:934385. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.934385


Correlation analysis between reaction time and score on broad autism phenotype questionnaire (BAPQ) and autism-spectrum quotient (AQ).

RT-Total RT-Con RT-Incon

r p BF 10 r p BF 10 r p BF 10
BAPQ 0.324 < 0.001 4.186 0.358 < 0.001 9.223 0.283 0.025 1.851
Aloof 0.319 0.011 3.750 0.364 0.003 10.558 0.267 0.034 1.401
Pragmatic language 0.265 0.036 1.361 0.286 0.023 1.983 0.238 0.060 0.888
Rigid 0.276 0.028 1.644 0.302 0.016 2.647 0.245 0.053 0.981
AQ 0.370 < 0.001 12.349 0.399 0.001 26.817 0.334 0.008 5.158
Social skill 0.317 0.011 3.573 0.329 0.009 4.620 0.298 0.018 2.457
Communication 0.279 0.027 1.732 0.299 0.017 2.532 0.253 0.045 1.112
Imagination 0.312 0.013 3.224 0.354 0.004 8.208 0.263 0.037 1.302
Attention for detail 0.223 0.079 0.707 0.237 0.061 0.871 0.204 0.110 0.551
Attention switching 0.282 0.025 1.828 0.307 0.014 2.975 0.251 0.047 1.074

RT, reaction Time; Con, congruent; Incon, incongruent; BAPQ, Broad Autism Phenotype Questionnaire; AQ, Autism Spectrum Quotient. Congruent is a condition in which emotions of target and context are the same. Incongruent is a condition in which emotions of target and context are not the same. Bold value indicates that the value is statistically significant.