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. 2022 Oct 20;13:167. doi: 10.1186/s13244-022-01299-0

Table 1.

Parameters of the MRI sequences used for image analysis

Sequence GBCA TR (ms) TE (ms) TE spacing (ms) TSE factor FOV (mm) Acquisition matrix Section thickness (mm) Slice gap (mm) Reconstruction voxel size Compressed SENSE reduction factor
DIR No 8343 25 8 11 AP 140 × RL 140 × FH 98.69 280 × 207 3 0.3 0.365 × 0.365 4
T1-weighteda Yes 7.9 2.4 1.7 N/A AP 150 × RL 142 × FH 130 200 × 191 2.5 0 0.469 × 0.469 N/A

DIR, double inversion recovery; GBCA, gadolinium-based contrast agent; TR, repetition time; TE, echo time; TSE, turbo spin echo; FOV, field of view; AP, anterior/posterior direction; RL, right/left direction; FH, foot/head direction; SENSE, sensitivity encoding; N/A, not applicable

aFat suppression