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. 2022 Oct 21;11(1):292–305.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2022.10.010


Published reports of SARS-CoV-2 infection in 22q11.2DS

Reference Study design Infection period considered Sex/age Comorbidities COVID-19 symptoms Hospital admission Treatment Outcome
11 Cross-sectional study (prevalence study) in June 2020 (end of first wave) including 65 moderate/severe IEIs patients February 2020–Jun 2020 M/17 y Moderate/severe lymphopenia Asymptomatic No No Recovered
M/5 y Moderate/severe lymphopenia Mild (cough) No No Recovered
13 Retrospective survey on 20 IEIs patients February 2020–September 2020 M/1.5 y Bronchiectasis, low TRECs level, hypogammaglobulinemia Asymptomatic No No Recovered
1 A retrospective study was undertaken by a Web-based survey, including 94 patients with an underlying IEIs and infected by SARS-CoV-2 March 2020–June 2020 M/age group 0–2 y Lung disease, tracheostomy with chronic ventilation Severe (fever, dyspnea) Yes Convalescent plasma, oxygen support, NIV Recovered
18 Case series of 60 individuals with IEIs National Registry, data collection proformas were sent to all U.K. pediatric and adult immunologists by email; 100 IEIs patients included March 2020–July 2020 M/>18y NA NA Yes NA Recovered
11 Cross-sectional, multicenter study, involving 121 patients with IEIs March 2020–December 2020 M/0.7 y Arterial hypertension, corrected congenital cardiopathy, hypogamma Severe (fever, cough, dyspnea, severe diarrhea) Yes (ICU) NA Recovered
14 Retrospective multicenter survey, 114 IEIs patients included March 2020–April 2021 F/13.8 y Autoimmune hypothyroidism Mild (Fever) No NA Recovered
F/7 y None Mild (Fever) No NA Recovered
F/23 y CHD, allergy, bronchiectasis Mild (running nose/sore throat) No NA Recovered
F/1.5 y History of interventricular defect and supraventricular paroxysmal tachycardia Mild (fever) No NA Recovered
F/17 y Autoimmune thyroiditis, interventricular defect Asymptomatic No NA Recovered
F/9.25 y Congenital heart disease (IAA, interatrial defect, interventricular defect) Mild (fever, asthenia) No NA Recovered
M/18.4 y Autoimmune thyroiditis, mild thrombocytopenia, hyperbilirubinemia, vitamin D deficiency Mild (runny nose) No NA Recovered
F/11.5 y Obesity, cognitive disability Moderate (cough, headache, dyspnea, asthenia, nausea, arthralgia) No NA Recovered
M/10.6 y Left aortic arch, developmental delay NA No NA Recovered
M/1.6 y Hypoparathyroidism, hypocalcemia, congenital hypothyroidism, bicuspid aorta Asymptomatic No NA Recovered
F/15.2 y Hyperthyroidism, intellectual disability, congenital heart disease NA No NA Recovered
M/1 y Minimal left to right interatrial shunt, nephrocalcinosis, hypoparathyroidism, areas of parenchymal lung consolidation, hypogammaglobulinemia Severe (fever) Yes NA Recovered
3 National Registry, data collection proformas were sent and 310 patients included March 2020–July 2021 Two males (18 and 21 y) NA Severe course (1 patient) Yes (1) NA Recovered
10 Cross-sectional, multicenter study involving 99 IEIs patients June 2020–June 2021 M/1.5 y NA Mild (anxiety, bradycardia) NA NA Recovered
12 Case report NA (published on February 2021) F/12 y Hypogammaglobulinemia, T-cell lymphocytopenia, congenital heart disease, and VP shunt Mild (headache, emesis) NA No Recovered
NA (published on February 2021) M/13 y Obesity, congenital heart disease, low IgM Asymptomatic NA NA Recovered
15 Multinational survey on 152 patients with 22q11.2DS July 2021–December 2021 25 patients, (range 2–36 y) Overweight 21%, immunoglobulin infusions 4%, previous heart surgery 43%, hypertension 4%, psychiatric problems 11%, arthritis 11%, asthma 29% Fatigue (63%), headache (54%), cough (51%), rhinorrhea (45%) 1 of 25 hospitalized for 1 d None 25 of 25 recovered

IAA, Interrupted aortic arch; ICU, intensive care unit; IEIs, inborn errors of immunity; NA, not available; NIV, noninvasive ventilation; TRECs, T-cell receptor excision circles; VP, ventriculoperitoneal shunt.