Figure 2.
Changes in diversity and composition during oral mucositis (OM) clinical course. (A) Alpha-diversity boxplots at preconditioning (P), OM onset (MO), and OM healed (MH). Shannon was used as alpha-diversity metric. Statistical significance was evaluated by the Mann–Whitney U test, with P-values indicated. The boxes highlight the median value and cover the 25th and 75th percentiles, with whiskers extending to the more extreme value within 1.5 times the length of the box. (B) Principal coordinates analysis showing changes in composition during OM clinical course (beta-diversity). Bray–Curtis was used as beta-diversity metric. Samples from the same patient are linked by a gray line. Statistical significance was evaluated by the PERMANOVA test, with P- and F-values indicated. (C) Significant alterations in genera abundances between collection timepoints according to the ANCOM-BC test. *Adjusted P-value < 0.05; ***adjusted P-value < 0.001. (D) Genera relative abundances for each OM patient across collection timepoints. Only genera with > 1% relative abundance in > 25% of the samples or > 20% relative abundance in at least one sample are shown.