Sheppard 2014.
Study characteristics | ||
Methods |
00. Study design: randomized controlled trial, parallel group 01. Calendar time when the study enrolled the first participant (YYYY/MM): 2006/11 ( 02. Calendar time when the study completed follow‐up (YYYY/MM): 2007/09 ( 03. Unit of randomization (participant or eye): participant 04. Masking of participants, treatment allocator, outcome assessor, or data analyzer: double (participant, investigator) 05. Study visits and the corresponding time points: study visits occurred on day 1 (screening and baseline, Visit 1), 14 ± 2 days (Visit 2), 30 ± 3 days (Visit 3), and 60 ± 5 days (Visit 4) 06. Instruments and the scales used for documenting patient‐reported symptoms or quality of life: OSDI: a global assessment of their perceptions about their dry eye condition and how it had impacted their vision and daily activities at Visits 2, 3, and 4 and also rated the tolerability of the topical CsA drops since the previous study visit at the third and fourth study visits 07. Assessment for safety outcomes: safety outcomes included ocular and systemic adverse events, IOP, and ophthalmoscopic examination findings 08. Planned follow‐up duration: 60 days 09. Actual follow‐up duration: 60 ± 5 days 10. Planned treatment duration (of the intervention steroid): 60 days 11. How missing data were handled: complete‐case analysis 12. Description on power and sample size calculation: the calculations were based on a power of 80% with an alpha of 0.05 (2‐tailed) and also used published data to estimate standard deviations for individual parameters of the study, which included OSDI, Lissamine staining (NEI scale), central fluorescein staining (NEI scale), and Schirmer test |
Participants |
Country: USA Setting: multicenter Interventions:
Age, mean/SD (range): 59.6/12.1 (27 to 80) Female, n (%): 44 (77%) Etiology, n (%): NR Participants (eyes) randomized: NR Participants (eyes) analyzed for primary study outcomes: 57 Participants (eyes) analyzed for safety outcomes: 57
Age, mean/SD (range): 57.9/1038 (36 to 79) Female, n (%): 43 (78%) Etiology, n (%): NR Participants (eyes) randomized: NR Participants (eyes) analyzed for primary study outcomes: 55 Participants (eyes) analyzed for safety outcomes: 55
Age, mean/SD (range): 58.7/11.4 (24 to 80) Female, n (%): 87 (78%) Etiology, n (%): NR Participants (eyes) randomized: 116 Participants (eyes) analyzed for primary study outcomes: 112 Participants (eyes) analyzed for safety outcomes: 112 Inclusion criteria:
Exclusion criteria:
Baseline comparison: there were no statistically significant differences in baseline characteristics within and between treatment groups (Table 2) |
Interventions |
Outcomes |
Time points of primary outcome data collected: day 14, 30, and 60 Primary outcomes of the study: The primary efficacy outcomes included:
Other outcomes of the study: frequency of adjunctive tear use (> 6/d, 3 to 6/d, 1 to 2/d, none) |
Study Identification |
Sponsorship source: Supported by an unrestricted research grant from Bausch & Lomb Inc, Rochester, NY, USA, and the Virginia Eye Foundation, Norfolk, VA, USA Ethics approval: NR Correspondence author's name: John D Sheppard; Institution: Virginia Eye Consultants, Norfolk, VA, USA Additional information:
Notes |