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. 2019 Oct 10;53:91. doi: 10.11606/s1518-8787.2019053001316

Table 3. Reliability of the AUDITNOVA instrument according to food availability indicators, and price types according to NOVA.

Indicators of availability of food groups and price type according to NOVA Inter-rater reliability Test-retest reliability

n agreement % Kappa n agreement % Kappa
FV at the store entrance 73 95.9 0.92 41 97.6 0.95
Food groups sold        
In natura /minimally processed Foods 73 100.0 * 41 100.0 *
Culinary ingredients 73 100.0 * 41 100.0 *
Processed foods 73 100.0 * 41 100.0 *
Ultra-processed Foods 73 100.0 * 41 100.0 *
Primarily sold food groups
In natura /minimally processed foods 73 75.3 0.69 41 90.2 0.78
Culinary ingredients 73 97.3 0.75 41 95.1 0.88
Processed foods 73 87.7 0.36 41 95.1 0.90
Ultra-processed Foods 73 91.8 0.78 41 100.0 1.00
Price type (normal or promotional)
In natura /minimally processed Foods 73 93.0 0.90 41 93.6 0.89
Culinary ingredients 73 81.1 0.77 41 82.1 0.78
Processed foods 73 71.4 0.61 41 70.4 0.58
Ultra-Processed Foods 73 61.7 0.56 41 52.6 0.48

FV: Fruits and Vegetables

*Statistics could not be estimated because the cross tabulation had two or fewer levels.