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. 2019 Nov 21;53:97. doi: 10.11606/s1518-8787.2019053001410

Chart. Operational definitions of socioeconomic indicators used in the design of a Deprivation Index for Ecuador.

Domains/Indicators Numerator Denominator Survey Question
1. Education
Literacya. Literate population Population of 5 years or more. 19) Can you (...) read and write?
Educational attainmenta. Population with secondary or university education (5–10 years). Population of 24–65 years. 23) What is the highest level of instruction you attend or attended (...)?
2. Information and Communication
Mobile phone accessa. Population that made use of a mobile phone in the last 6 months. Population of 5 years or more. 20) In the last six months (...) have you used: a mobile phone…
Internet accessa. Population that made use of the internet in the last six months. Population of 5 years or more. 20) In the last six months (...) have you used: the internet…
3. Housing and Urban Environment
Main cooking fuela. Households using adequate fuel for cooking (gas or electricity). Total of households. 5) Which is the main fuel or energy that this home uses for cooking?
Toilet for household use onlya. Households with exclusive use of a toillet. Total of households. 3) The household toilet is of: Exclusive use of the household.
Water Supplya. Dwellings with piped water. Total of households. V8) Where does the water received in this home come from?
Rubbish collectiona. Homes that eliminate garbage with a collector car. Total of households. V13) Mainly, how do you eliminate the garbage from the home:
Toilet to sewer. Households with toilet to sewer. Total of households. V9) The household toilet is connected to:
Electricity supplya. Households with electrical energy (any provider). Total of households. V10) The electric light (energy) service of the house comes mainly from:
Dwellings overcrowdinga. Dwellings not overcrowded (3 or less people per bedroom). Total of households. 14) Without considering the kitchen, bathroom and office, how many bedrooms does the household has? 16) How many persons (households) sleep and cook food?
Piped into residence/dwellinga. Dwellings with piped water inside. Total of households. V8) The water received in this house is:
Compound indicator of Dwelling’s qualitya: Walls, Floor, Ceiling Dwellings in good condition (roof, walls and floors reported as “good”). Total of households. V2) The condition of the ceiling or covering of the dwelling is: V04) The condition of the walls of the dwelling is: V6) The condition of the floor of the dwelling is:
4. Work and Social Security
Private insurancea. Population with private insurance. Total of population. 07) (...) has private health insurance?
Women not payed working hours ratiob. Weekly not payed work hours. Total worked hours. 24) How many hours a week do you dedicate to the following home chores: (Total hours).
Poverty perceptionb. Population that considers not being poor. Total of households. 4) According to your economic condition, do you consider your home to be:
5. Historical Discrimination
Ethnicitya. Population with white or mestizo self-identification Total of the population. 16) How do you identify (...) according to your culture and customs?

Information Sources:


Census 2010;


Life Conditions Survey 2013–2014.

All 17 indicators refer to inhabited dwellings. People residing outside the country when the census was performed were excluded.