Figure 5.
Screening of signal sequences to increase functional expression of TAS2R20/38/50 at the plasma membrane. (a) Schematic of the design and principles of the cell surface expression HiBiT assay. (b) Heat map of the fold increase in luminescence signals of TAS2R20/38/50 tagged with various N-terminal signal sequences compared with untransfected cells. The signal sequence derived from the M3 receptor, indicated by a red circle, generated the highest surface TAS2R expression for TAS2R20/38/50. (c) Concentration–response curves of TAS2R20/38/50 upon stimulation with their cognate agonists in the bioluminescence-based intracellular calcium release assay. M3-TAS2Rs had higher overall magnitude of responses compared to SST3-TAS2Rs. The identities of GPCRs used for screening are abbreviated according to the nomenclature employed by the IUPHAR/BPS Concise Guide to Pharmacology ( Adrenergic receptor is abbreviated to AR for simplicity. Data points are shown as mean ± s.e.m. from a representative experiment out of three independent biological replicates performed in technical quadruplicates. EC50, half-maximal effective concentration. (a) and (b) were generated using Adobe Illustrator (Version 25.4.1) and Prism Mac (Version 7.0e), respectively.