Fig. 4. Overexpressed TNFR1-mediated signaling for tumorigenesis.
a RT-PCR showing UBCH10 expression in KALLU+ cells treated with si-Control (si-Cont) and si-TNFR1. ***P < 0.001; Student’s t-test (mean ± SD of three samples per group). b Left: Immunoblotting analysis showing levels of the indicated proteins in KALLU+ cells treated with si-Control (si-Con) and si-UBCH10 (si-UB). β-actin, a protein-loading control. Right: Immunoblotting analysis showing Twist and UBCH10 levels in KALLU+ (-), si-TNFR1 RNA-treated KALLU+ cells (si-TNFR1 RNA including si-A, si-B, si-C, and si-ABC), and si-TNFR1 RNA-treated KALLU+ cells with reintroduced Ube2c/UBCH10 cDNA. β-actin, a protein-loading control. c Left: Comparison the growth of tumors, derived from KALLU+ cells treated with si-Control or si-UBCH10, in nude mice (n = 5/group). Mean ± SD; *P < 0.01; two-way AVOVA test. d Survival curves of lung SCC patients with high TNFRSF1A and UBE2C levels or low TNFRSF1A levels. Lung SCC patient cohorts were obtained from Kaplan–Meier plotter. e Left: Immunoblotting analysis showing levels of K5, E-cadherin, and UBCH10 in KALLU+ cells overexpressing a control or HA-IKKα vector. β-actin, a protein-loading control. Right: RT-PCR examines TNF expression in KALLU+ cells and KALLU+ cells overexpressing HA-IKKα with. Mean ± SEM (three repeats per group). **P < 0.01; Student’s t-test. f Growth curves of KALLU+ cells that were transfected with a control vector or HA-IKKα vector (n = 5/group). Mean ± SD; **P < 0.01; two-way AVOVA statistical test. g The sizes of tumors obtained from KALLU+ cells treated with the control or HA-IKKα vector (2 × 105 cells per mouse) were subcutaneously injected into nude mice (n = 5/group). Tumor growth was analyzed by a grouped two-way AVOVA statistical test; Mean ± SD; *P < 0.05. h Left: Images showing a liver (top) and lung (bottom) with metastases (Fig. S4a shows H&E histological images). Right: H&E images of liver and lung metastases induced by arrows. Scale bar: 40 μM. i RT-PCR showing UBCH10 mRNA levels in KALLU+ cells transfected with IKKα or control vectors (n = 3/group). Mean ± SD; ***P < 0.001; Student’s t-test. j A working model for the TNFR1-UBCH10 pathway predicted to increase c-Myc, Bcl2, Twist1, and Sox2 expression and SCC dedifferentiation. IKKα inhibits UBCH10 expression. Arrow, enhancement; two lines, inhibition. k Human H520 SCC cell line was selected with stem cell markers and used to generate two sub-populations (left). H520 (CD24loCD44+) cells express elevated TNFR1 levels compared to H520 (CD24hiCD44+) cells. Mean ± SD (three repeats per group); ***P < 0.001; Student’s t-test. l H520 (CD24loCD44+) cells generated tumors induced by subcutaneous injections and metastasis to lungs in nude mice (n = 5). Scale bar: 40 μM.