DA neuron-specific deletion of Shh does not affect DA neuron survival in the SN or DA neuron axonal projection in the STR in adult or aged mice
Representative images from WT or DATcre-shh cKO mice at 7–8 months or 20–24 months of age in the SN (A) or STR (B) immunostained for Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Quantification using unbiased stereological method of (TH+) DA neurons in the SN (C), VTA (D), and striatal (TH+) fiber density (E) in WT and DATcre-shh cKO mice.
(F) Expression of TH protein detected by Western blot from SN in WT or DATCre-shh cKO at 7–8 months of age does not show any difference in TH protein levels. Each data point represents an individual mouse. Mean + SEM. No statistical significance for any of the groups using either two-Way ANOVA(for multiple groups in C, D, E) or Student’s t test (for comparison between two groups in F). Scale bar = 100μm.