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. 2022 Oct 10;9:945538. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.945538


Demographic characteristics of cohort participants based on DFS score.

Low DFS (n = 68) Mid DFS (n = 55) High DFS (n = 46) F-statistic or χ2 value P-value
Age (years, mean ± SD) 20.97 ± 3.11 22.05 ± 4.48 20.80 ± 3.79 1.71A 0.185
Sex (F/M, % of F to total) 38/30 (55.88) 37/18 (67.27) 24/22 (52.17) 2.695B 0.260
BMI (mean ± SD) 22.14 ± 2.63 21.78 ± 2.82 22.19 ± 2.89 0.36A 0.701
Physical activity (mean ± SD)¥ 12.09 ± 1.92 12.04 ± 1.65 11.84 ± 1.12 0.32A 0.725
DFS (mean ± SD) 45.44 ± 5.20 59.85 ± 3.22$ 76.28 ± 11.58$ 310.11A < 0.0001
Creatinine, mmol/L (mean ± SD) 15.25 ± 10.08 13.14 ± 7.08 10.89 ± 6.42 1.91A 0.151
DASS-21-D (mean ± SD) 2.87 ± 3.50 5.29 ± 4.71 6.91 ± 5.65$ 11.99A < 0.0001

DFS, dietary fat and free sugar screener score; DASS-21-D, Depression Anxiety Stress Scales 21 Depression score; BMI, Body Mass Index; F, Female; M, Male. ADenotes One-way ANOVA and Bdenotes Chi-square analysis. Significant p-value (< 0.05) are denoted in bold. Denotes p = 0.001 and $denotes p < 0.0001 using Sidak post-hoc analysis in comparison to low DFS group. ¥Denotes the mean of variable presented in log2-scale. All post-hoc between groups comparisons have p < 0.0001 in 1-way ANOVA for DFS.