Fig. 3.
Diversity in viral community composition. A Alpha diversity of DNA viral community composition and ssRNA phage community composition. Mean alpha diversity indexes (Shannon’s H) for each viral community composition across compartments, at each crop growth stage. Shapes are colored based on field crop rotation strategy: continuous cropping (orange) and virgin rotation (blue). Shapes indicate compartment: bulk soil (circles), rhizosphere soil (triangles), and roots (squares). Error bars denote a 95% confidence interval around the mean. B Beta diversity of DNA viral community composition and ssRNA phage community composition. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination plots, representing the dissimilarities between community compositions, for each growth stage. Ordinations represent community compositions containing ssRNA phages at seedling (n = 8125), ssRNA phages at stem extension (n = 6936), DNA viruses at stem extension (n = 698), and ssRNA phages at pre-harvest (n = 10,998). Shapes are colored based on field crop rotation strategy: continuous cropping (orange) and virgin rotation (blue). Shapes indicate compartment: bulk soil (triangles) and rhizosphere soil (circles). Stress values associated with two-dimensional ordination are reported for each plot. C Variation in community composition explained by soil compartment and crop rotation. PERMANOVA results describe the variance in community composition explained by soil compartment and crop rotation, respectively, for each growth stage. Points are colored based on community: ssRNA phage community (blue), DNA viral community (red), and bacterial community (gray)