a) The 4 × 20 task allowed for the direct comparison
of a restaurant on the sub-sessions after it dispensed 3 pellets
(“previous 3”; unfilled circle) and to that same restaurant when
it had dispensed 3-pellets (filled circle). b) Interestingly, the
rats waited as long for the previous 3-pellet restaurants as they did when the
same restaurant dispensed 3-pellets on VEH (left), but not, CNO days (right).
c) Though rats were willing to wait as long for previous
3-pellet restaurant, post-reward lingering revealed that 3-pellet restaurants
were valued more. d) SWR rates during the Waiting epoch did not
differentiate between previous 3-pellet restaurants and 3-pellet restaurants on
both VEH and CNO days. e) SWR rates during the Lingering epoch were
greater for the 3-pellet restaurants than the previous 3-pellet restaurants on
both VEH and CNO days. VEH = blue circle, CNO = red circle.* p < 0.05;
*** p < 0.001.