Extended Hockin-Mann model. Reactions in the extended (ext.) HM model that describes the TF pathway of thrombin generation. Arrows with asterisks (*) indicate reactions that are added to the original HM model. ATIII, antithrombin; C1-INH, C1 inhibitor; FII, prothrombin; FIX, coagulation factor IX; FV, coagulation factor V; FVII, coagulation factor VII; FVIII, coagulation factor VIII; FVIIIa1 and FVIIIa2, trimeric forms of FVIIIa; FX, coagulation factor X; FXI, coagulation factor XI; HM, Hockin–Mann model; mFIIa, meizothrombin; TF, tissue factor; TFPI, tissue factor pathway inhibitor; the activated forms of the coagulation factor are represented with “a” added as the suffix, such as FIIa, FVIIa, FVIIIa, FIXa, FXa, and FVa