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. 2022 Aug 26;30(4):231–262. doi: 10.4250/jcvi.2022.0058

Table 1. Summary of aortic arch anomalies and variants.

Vascular anomalies Possible embryology Arch and ductus Clinical features
Lt-sided arch
Lt aortic arch with ARSA Regression of the Rt 4th arch between the RCCA and RSA Lt arch, Lt ductus Most common congenital anomaly of the aorta (0.5–2%)
Usually isolated
Lt aortic arch with ARSA with Kommerell diverticulum Regression of the Rt 4th arch between the RCCA and RSA and persistence of the Rt 6th arch component Lt arch, Rt ductus, vascular ring (+) Dysphagia lusoria (if tight vascular ring)
15–30% of ARSA
Lt aortic arch with isolated Rt subclavian artery Regression of the Rt 4th arch between the RCCA and RSA and regression of the segment distal to the RSA and ductus Lt arch, no ductus Congenital subclavian steal syndrome, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, syncope
Lt circumflex aorta Regression of the Rt 4th arch between the RCCA and RSA and persistence of the Rt 6th arch and Rt dorsal aorta Lt arch, Rt ductus, Rt descending aorta, vascular ring (+) Extremely rare
Arch itself courses behind the esophagus
Severe tracheobronchial compression
Rt-sided arch
Rt aortic arch with mirror image branching Regression of the Lt 4th arch between the Lt ductus and dorsal aorta and persistence of the Lt 6th arch Rt arch, Lt ductus Usually asymptomatic
Strong association with CHD (> 75%)
Rt aortic arch with ALSA with Kommerell diverticulum Regression of the Lt 4th arch between the LCCA and LSA and persistence of the Lt 6th arch component Rt arch, Lt ductus, vascular ring (+) Most common form of Rt-sided aortic arch
Usually isolated (CHD in 5–10%)
Dysphagia lusoria (if tight vascular ring)
60% of ALSA
Rt aortic arch with ALSA without Kommerell diverticulum Regression of the Lt 4th arch between the LCCA and LSA and regression of the Lt 6th arch Rt arch, Rt ductus, or absent ductus Usually combined with CHD
Right aortic arch with isolated RSA Regression of the Lt 4th arch between the LCCA and LSA origin and regression distal to the LSA and ductus Rt arch, no ductus Associated with CHD (> 50%), vertebrobasilar insufficiency, or subclavian steal syndrome
Right circumflex aorta Regression of the Lt 4th arch between the LCCA and LSA and persistence of the Lt 6th arch and Lt dorsal aorta Rt arch, Lt ductus, Lt descending aorta, vascular ring (+) More common than Lt circumflex aorta
Double aortic arch Abnormal persistence of both aortic arches Both aortic arches, vascular ring (+) Most common cause of symptomatic vascular ring (50%)
Cervical aortic arch i) Persistence of the 2nd or 3rd branchial arches with regression of the 4th arch Variable branching pattern More common on the Rt-sided arch
or ii) failure of caudal migration of the 4th arch Usually asymptomatic (occasionally pulsatile neck mass)
Persistent fifth aortic arch Persistence of the primitive 5th aortic arch Variable branching pattern, vascular ring (+/−) Usually associated with CHD
Often misdiagnosed as ductus arteriosus or aortopulmonary window
Interrupted aortic arch i) Regression distal to the LSA, Complete discontinuity between the ascending and descending aorta Extremely rare
or ii) regression between the LCCA and LSA, Shock or severe heart failure occurs a few weeks after birth
or iii) regression between the RBCA and LCCA
Hypoplastic aortic arch May be associated with restriction of aortic flow Relatively small diameter of the aortic arch With or without other CHD (m/c with aortic coarctation)
Coarctation of the aorta i) Abnormal ductal tissue extension to the aortic isthmus or Focal stenosis of the aortic arch adjacent to the aortic isthmus Relatively common anomaly (0.04%)
ii) altered fetal hemodynamics due to an abnormal angle between the ductus and aorta or abnormal pre-ductal flow Commonly accompanied by CHD or an arch anomaly (44–84%, m/c with bicuspid aortic valve)
Pseudocoarctation Failure of compression and fusion of the dorsal roots and 4th arch segments Segmental kinking or buckling at the aortic isthmus Incidentally found without clinical symptoms

ALSA: aberrant left subclavian artery, CHD: congenital heart disease, LCCA: left common carotid artery, LSA: left subclavian artery, Lt: left, m/c: most common, RBCA: right brachiocephalic artery, RCCA: right common carotid artery, RSA: right subclavian artery, Rt: right.