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. 2000 Jul;7(4):617–624. doi: 10.1128/cdli.7.4.617-624.2000

FIG. 3.

FIG. 3

Dendrogram of Bartonella strains inferring Sj similarities obtained by UPGMA on the basis of the molecular masses of different protein bands on SDS-PAGE (left), and parsimony tree of Bartonella strains and Coxiella burnetii derived from 16S rRNA gene comparison (right). The numbers at the nodes are the proportions of 100 bootstrap resamplings that support the topology shown. This analysis provided tree topology only, and the lengths of both the vertical lines and the horizontal lines are not significant. The GenBank accession numbers for the 16S rRNA gene sequences included are as follows: B. bacilliformis, Z70003; B. henselae, Z11684; B. quintana, M11927; B. clarridgeiae, X97822; B. elizabethae, L01260; B. grahamii, Z31349; B. taylorii, Z31350; B. doshiae, Z31351; B. vinsonii, Z31352; and C. burnetii, D89792.