Application of stem cell index to mouse and human neoplasia
(A–C) Using stem cell index to map human colorectal precursor lesions (A), colorectal cancer consensus molecular subtypes (CMS) (B), and colorectal cancer intrinsic subtypes (CRIS) (C) across a molecularly defined CBC to RSC expression spectrum (using S-CORT datasets).
(D and E) Dual-color ISH for LGR5 (CBC marker, green) and ANXA1 (RSC marker, red) expression in representative human precursor lesions (D) and representative human colorectal cancers (E) segregated by consensus molecular subtype.
(F and G) Using stem cell index to map mouse autochthonous tumors (F) and matched derived organoids (G) across a molecularly defined CBC to RSC expression spectrum.
(H) Dual-color ISH for Lgr5 (CBC marker, green) and Anxa1 (RSC marker, red) expression in representative genotype tumors across the CBC to RSC spectrum. Statistical analysis, ANOVA, p values as stated. All animals crossed with Vil-CreERT2. Scale bars, 100 μm. Driver alleles initialization: A is Apcfl/+, ApcMin is ApcMin, B is BrafV600E, K is KrasG12D, P is p53fl/fl, T is Tgfβr1fl/fl, N is Rosa26N1icd/+.