Figure 2.
ECHO-PATHWAYS visit schedule across cohorts. White boxes indicate cohort-specific data collection prior to enrolment in ECHO-PATHWAYS; shaded grey boxes indicate ECHO-PATHWAYS data collection. aThe study population was defined as participants with birth outcome data (either birth weight or gestational age at birth) for CANDLE and TIDES. bCANDLE and TIDES collected data outside of these in-person clinic visits as well: CANDLE conducted home visits at ages 1 month and 24 months and phone surveys at 3, 6, 9, 15, 18, 21, 27, 30, 33, 42, 48 and 56 months, and TIDES conducted a mail survey at age 2–3 years old; cTIDES age 1 visit was only conducted for boys; dGAPPS was a closed cohort after birth, participants were recruited into GAPPS-PW at the age 4–6 years visit; eTIDES age 7 visit consisted of maternal surveys administered by email.