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. 2022 Oct 11;13:951055. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.951055


Construct measurement and summary statistics.

Item References Cronbach’s α Mean SD
Information seeking and learning (cognitive) Papacharissi and Rubin, 2000; van der Heijden, 2004 0.95
ISL1: Watching live streaming, I make better informed decisions than in the past 3.44 1.75
ISL2: Watching live streaming, I am better informed about what is going on 4.08 1.70
ISL3: Watching live streaming, I find information I would not otherwise have found 4.29 1.78
ISL4: Watching live streaming, I am better informed about new knowledge 4.04 1.81
ISL5: Watching live streaming helps me look for information on new knowledge 4.28 1.83
ISL6: Watching live streaming helps me see what new knowledge is out there 4.46 1.76
Perceived enjoyment (affective) Venkatesh, 2000 0.92
ENJ1: I find watching live streaming to be enjoyable 3.68 1.74
ENJ2: Watching live streaming is exciting 3.32 1.79
ENJ3: I have fun watching live streaming 3.74 1.77
Recognition by peers (personal integrative) Hernandez et al., 2011 0.93
REC1: I like when other viewers take my comments into account 4.14 1.97
REC2: I feel good when my comments prove to other viewers that I have knowledge about the topics under discussion 4.44 1.97
REC3: I try that my comments improve my reputation among other viewers 3.54 1.98
REC4: I like when streamers take my suggestions 4.12 2.08
Companionship (social integrative) Smock et al., 2011 0.88
COM1: Watching live streaming, I don’t have to be alone 3.81 1.92
COM2: I watch live streaming when there’s no one else to talk or be with 3.16 2.03
COM3: Watching live streaming makes me feel less lonely 3.18 1.89
Shared emotional connection (social integrative) Chavis et al., 2008 0.93
SEC1: It is very important to me to be a part of the live stream community 2.33 1.70
SEC2: I spend time with other live stream community members a lot and enjoy spending time with them 2.15 1.55
SEC3: I expect to be a part of the live stream community for a long time 2.58 1.90
SEC4: Members of the live stream community have shared important events together 3.00 1.80
SEC5: Members of the live stream community care about each other 2.85 1.83
Escape (tension release) Smock et al., 2011 0.91
ESC1: Watching live streaming, I can forget about school, work, or other things 3.24 1.89
ESC2: Watching live streaming, I can get away from the rest of my family or others 3.01 1.85
ESC3: Watching live streaming, I can get away from what I’m doing 3.09 1.83
Distraction (tension release) Smock et al., 2011 0.91
DIS1: Watching live streaming is a habit, just something I do 2.62 1.80
DIS2: When I have nothing better to do, I watch live streaming 2.85 1.84
DIS3: Watching live streaming passes the time away, particularly when I’m bored 3.43 1.94
DIS4: Watching live streaming gives me something to do to occupy my time 2.81 1.77
Relaxation (tension release) Smock et al., 2011 0.95
REL1: Watching live streaming relaxes me 3.72 1.89
REL2: Watching live streaming allows me to unwind 3.60 1.88
REL3: Watching live streaming is a pleasant rest 3.74 1.94