Figure S5.
Unc5D and GPC3 are expressed during cortical development, related to Figure 5
(A) ISH for Unc5D and GPC3 in an E14.5 brain sagittal section. Unc5D is expressed in the IZ and GPC3 in the VZ/SVZ as indicated with higher magnification on the left. Images are from and the image series ID is shown on the top left of each image.
(B and C) ISH for Unc5D and GPC3, colored in magenta, shows expression in the cortex of coronal sections of E13.5 (B) and E17.5 (C) mouse embryos. Each panel shows a diagram on the left, which is indicating the cortical region shown. The area in the dashed rectangle is magnified on the bottom.
(D and E) UMAP visualization of single-cell RNA sequencing data from E13.5 (D) and E17.5 (E) mouse cortex published in di Bella et al., (2021). Five major cell clusters, colored by cell-type assignment based on published metadata (GSE153164), are shown on the left. A combined plot of Unc5D (green) and GPC3 (magenta) mRNA expression per cell is shown on the right. Most of Unc5D-expressing cells belong to the migrating neuron cluster (dashed green line), while GPC3-expressing cells are highly enriched in the apical progenitor (AP) cluster (blue dashed line). Scale bars represent 100 μm (B) and (C).