Table 5.
Morphometric traits measured on wheat seeds.
Seed mode | Parameter (unit) | Description |
Dorsal | Perim (mm) | Perimeter, calculated from the centers of the boundary pixel |
Area (mm2) | Area inside the polygon defined by the perimeter | |
MinR (mm) | Radius of the inscribed circle centered at the middle of mass | |
MaxR (mm) | Radius of the enclosing circle centered at the middle of mass | |
Feret (mm) | Largest axis length | |
Breadth (mm) | Largest axis perpendicular to the Feret | |
Chull (mm) | Convex hull or convex polygon calculated from pixel centers | |
CArea (mm2) | Area of the convex hull polygon | |
MBCRadius (mm) | Radius of the minimal bounding circle | |
AspRatio | Aspect ratio = Feret/Breadth | |
Circ | Circularity = 4·π·Area/Perimeter2 | |
Roundness | Roundness = 4·Area/(π·Feret2 ) | |
ArEquivD | Area equivalent diameter = √((4/π)·Area) | |
PerEquivD | Perimeter equivalent diameter = Area/π | |
EquivEllAr | Equivalent ellipse area = (π·Feret·Breadth)/4 | |
Compactness | Compactness = √((4/π)·Area)/Feret | |
Solidity | Solidity = Area/Convex_Area | |
Concavity | Concavity = Convex_Area-Area | |
Convexity | Convexity = Convex_hull/Perimeter | |
Shape | Shape = Perimeter2/Area | |
RFactor | RFactor = Convex_Hull/(Feret·π) | |
ModRatio | Modification ratio = (2·MinR)/Feret | |
Sphericity | phericity = MinR/MaxR | |
ArBBox (mm2) | Area of the bounding box along the feret diameter = Feret·Breadth | |
Rectang | Rectangularity = Area/ArBBox | |
Lateral | Perim.1 (mm) | Perimeter, calculated from the centers of the boundary pixel |
Area.1 (mm2) | Area inside the polygon defined by the perimeter | |
ArBBox.1 (mm2) | Area of the bounding box along the feret diameter = Feret· Thickness | |
Thickness (mm) | Largest axis perpendicular to the Feret | |
Vertical | Perim.2 (mm) | Perimeter, calculated from the centers of the boundary pixel |
Area.2 (mm2) | Area inside the polygon defined by the perimeter | |
ArBBox.2 (mm2) | Area of the bounding box along the feret diameter = Breadth · Thickness | |
Volume (mm3) | Volume = (4/3) π (Feret/2)(Breadth/2)( Thickness/2) | |
TKW (gr) | The weight of one thousand seeds |