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. 2022 Oct 25;12:17839. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-22607-0

Table 5.

Morphometric traits measured on wheat seeds.

Seed mode Parameter (unit) Description
Dorsal Perim (mm) Perimeter, calculated from the centers of the boundary pixel
Area (mm2) Area inside the polygon defined by the perimeter
MinR (mm) Radius of the inscribed circle centered at the middle of mass
MaxR (mm) Radius of the enclosing circle centered at the middle of mass
Feret (mm) Largest axis length
Breadth (mm) Largest axis perpendicular to the Feret
Chull (mm) Convex hull or convex polygon calculated from pixel centers
CArea (mm2) Area of the convex hull polygon
MBCRadius (mm) Radius of the minimal bounding circle
AspRatio Aspect ratio = Feret/Breadth
Circ Circularity = 4·π·Area/Perimeter2
Roundness Roundness = 4·Area/(π·Feret2 )
ArEquivD Area equivalent diameter = √((4/π)·Area)
PerEquivD Perimeter equivalent diameter = Area/π
EquivEllAr Equivalent ellipse area = (π·Feret·Breadth)/4
Compactness Compactness = √((4/π)·Area)/Feret
Solidity Solidity = Area/Convex_Area
Concavity Concavity = Convex_Area-Area
Convexity Convexity = Convex_hull/Perimeter
Shape Shape = Perimeter2/Area
RFactor RFactor = Convex_Hull/(Feret·π)
ModRatio Modification ratio = (2·MinR)/Feret
Sphericity phericity = MinR/MaxR
ArBBox (mm2) Area of the bounding box along the feret diameter = Feret·Breadth
Rectang Rectangularity = Area/ArBBox
Lateral Perim.1 (mm) Perimeter, calculated from the centers of the boundary pixel
Area.1 (mm2) Area inside the polygon defined by the perimeter
ArBBox.1 (mm2) Area of the bounding box along the feret diameter = Feret· Thickness
Thickness (mm) Largest axis perpendicular to the Feret
Vertical Perim.2 (mm) Perimeter, calculated from the centers of the boundary pixel
Area.2 (mm2) Area inside the polygon defined by the perimeter
ArBBox.2 (mm2) Area of the bounding box along the feret diameter = Breadth · Thickness
Volume (mm3) Volume = (4/3) π (Feret/2)(Breadth/2)( Thickness/2)
TKW (gr) The weight of one thousand seeds