a) Schematic of completed molecular junction device and four types of studied molecular systems along with their chemical structures: C8, C12, C16, and DC8. b) (Left) The J–V characteristics for representative C8, C12, C16, and DC8 molecular devices. The inset shows a DC8 device as measured after fabrication (solid line) and after storage under ambient conditions for 40 d (open circles). (Right) Retention characteristics of the molecular junctions in terms of the measured J at 1.0 V for 104 s (measurement interval: Δt = 100 s). c) Retention characteristics of the cross‐measured positive current (measured at +1.0 V) and negative current (measured at –1.0 V) for 104 s with an interval Δt = 5 s. d) The R
mol values for Au/DC8/PEDOT:PSS and Au/DC8/graphene devices as a function of increasing temperature. Reproduced with permission.[
] Copyright 2011, Wiley‐VCH.