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. 2022 Oct 25;3(5):e12816. doi: 10.1002/emp2.12816


Mean scores for 28 data elements across 3 clinical quality measure feasibility components, calculated from assessments provided by reviewers from 4 emergency physician groups

Clinical quality measure feasibility components
EHR focus area Workflow a Data availability b Data accuracy c
Data element Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Demographics and visit details
Patient sex 3.00 0 3.00 0 3.00 0
Patient zip code 2.28 0.9 3.00 0 3.00 0
Visit start date and time 2.71 0.4 3.00 0 3.00 0
Visit end date and time 2.71 0.4 3.00 0 2.45 0.5
Rendering practitioner 2.71 0.4 3.00 0 3.00 0
Medical record number 2.71 0.4 3.00 0 2.28 0.9
Insurance information
Insurance company 2.28 0.9 3.00 0 2.45 0.5
Insurance plan 2.28 0.9 3.00 0 2.71 0.4
Documentation date 1.41 0.5 1.73 1.0 1.86 0.7
Visit diagnosis
Diagnosis code 2.71 0.4 2.71 0.4 2.21 0.4
Diagnosis description 3.00 0 2.71 0.4 2.21 0.4
Problem history
Documentation date 2.06 0.8 2.06 0.8 1.86 0.7
Resolution date 1.41 0.5 1.86 0.7 1.41 0.5
Practice code 1.68 0.4 2.71 0.4 2.45 0.5
Practice description 2.71 0.4 2.71 0.4 2.21 0.4
Laboratory results
Result date and time 2.71 0.4 2.71 0.4 1.57 0.8
Practice code 1.73 1.0 1.57 0.8 1.57 0.8
Practice description 2.45 0.5 2.71 0.4 1.41 0.5
Result value 2.28 0.9 2.71 0.4 1.41 0.5
Reference range 2.71 0.4 2.71 0.4 1.41 0.5
Medication name 2.45 0.5 3.00 0 2.21 0.4
Medication route 2.71 0.4 3.00 0 2.45 0.5
Medication dose 2.71 0.4 3.00 0 2.45 0.5
Medication start date and time 2.28 0.9 2.71 0.4 1.57 0.8
Medication stop date and time 1.57 0.8 1.57 0.8 1.32 0.9
Social history
Social history type 2.45 0.5 2.45 0.5 1.86 0.7
Social history observation 2.45 0.5 2.45 0.5 1.86 0.7
Documentation date 1.57 0.8 1.41 0.5 1.41 0.5

Note: A score of 3 indicates a high level of feasibility, 2 indicates a moderate level of feasibility, and 1 indicates a low level of feasibility. Specific score criteria (3, 2, or 1) for each component are described in Table S1.

Abbreviations: EHR, electronic health record; SD, standard deviation.

aWorkflow Assessment Question: To what degree is the data element captured during the course of care? How does it impact the typical workflow for that user?

bData Availability Assessment Question: Is the data readily available in a structured format?

cData Accuracy Assessment Question: Is the information contained in the data element correct? Are the data source and recorder specified?